Paulo Brugger (Brugger Engineering), Fernando Andrade (Agrogeo Engineering, Cristina Schmidt (HUESKER Brasil), Jan Selders (ThyssenKrupp Brazil, Flavio Montez (HUESKER Brazil) and Peter Terhechte, who represented Dr. Dimiter Alexiew (HUESKER Germany)
Huesker Geosynthetics

Last October, professionals and partners of the HUESKER Group received the Milton Vargas Award. This award is an initiative of the Brazilian Magazine Fundações and Obras Geotécnicas that aims to recognize the work of professionals responsible for planning, design and implementation of large construction projects and whose works have already been mentioned prominently in the pages of the magazine. The awarding took place in São Paulo in the presence of hundreds of professional engineers representing the Brazilian geotechnical consultants and companies including the honourees, their friends and families.

After the announcement of the results, HUESKER congratulated and celebrated the Technical Director, Dr. Dimiter Alexiew (HUESKER Germany), represented by the German Export Manager, Peter Terhechte, the Engineering Manager Cristina Schmidt (HUESKER Brazil), and the Business Manager from ThyssenKrupp Brazil, Jan Selders (engineer). Together they won the award in the category Foundations for the technical paper Foundation of a stockyard with geotextile encased columns and horizontal reinforcements on soft soil areas.

In the category Geosynthetics, the winning article was Geogrid Reinforced Slope with Green Facing. This article was written by Paulo Brugger (engineer at Brugger Engineering), Fernando Barcellos de Andrade (engineer at Agrogeo Engineering), both partners of HUESKER, and Cristina Schmidt, who was again recognised for her good engineering work.


The aim of the Milton Vargas Award is to recognize the best technical papers and articles published in The Foundations and Geotechnical Works Magazine, honouring the pioneer of soil mechanics in Brazil, Milton Vargas (engineer and professor), who died in May 2011.

In order to compete for the award, the work must have been published in the current year or the previous year to the date of the award.

The articles and awards are selected by a committee made up of representatives from the Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ABMS), the Brazilian Association of Foundations Engineering and Geotechnics (ABEF), the Brazilian Association of Geosynthetics (IGS Brazil), the Brazilian Association of Engineering Geology and Environment (ABGE), the Brazilian Association of Consulting Projects and Geotechnical Engineering (ABEG), also including the Brazilian Tunnelling Committee (CBT) and the Brazilian Committee on Dams (CBDB). The selection is based on the importance of the general technical contribution, on its relevance and on the level of the technical publication as well.

For more information on HUESKER’s international geosynthetics and geotechnical work, visit