Geomembrane CQA - Abigail Beck Performs Liner Integrity Survey

Waste management, mining, water management and other containment-focused sectors are utilizing liner integrity surveys to verify the quality of installations. CQA Week sessions provide specialized training CQA professionals (engineers, regulators, etc.) to be involved in the liner integrity field.
When CQA professionals gather in Austin, Texas during CQA Week (April 29 – May 3), those who take part in the liner integrity survey/assessment (LISA) training (April 29 – 30) will discover a number of interesting updates to this event. Now in its 10th year of training events, the TRI Environmental CQA Week LISA education will feature:

  • Rebuilt test pads for the hands-on field training portion of the event
  • A larger soil-covered test pad is part of the redesign
  • The new 2000 series equipment, a double-dipole arrangement that produces multi-directional 3D voltage mapping
  • Separate cells for the water lance and water puddle training
  • New equipment for the water dipole survey
  • Equipment available for purchase or project-specific rental

In addition, TRI will be adding a trouble-shooting session in the class, including a bench-scale site to highlight conditions that impair survey sensitivity and give false positive signals.
Beyond the LISA training (which combines field and classroom learning), CQA Week will offer day-long sessions on CQC/CQA for geosynthetic installation and CQC/CQA with compacted clay liners and geosynthetic clay liners.
All participants will have an opportunity to sit for the Geosynthetic Institute’s Inspector’s Certification Program exam too.
(NOTE: Separate registration with GSI is required.)
Learn more and register Those interested in learning a bit more about the booming CQA market for liner survey expertise may also be interested in