ASTM Committee D35

ASTM International Committee D35 on GeosyntheticsThere are two ASTM International standards updates to report for 8 April 2013 from Committee D35 on Geosynthetics:
* Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has published a new standard, D7853 – Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Pullout Resistance of a Geomembrane with Locking Extensions Embedded in Concrete. As the committee notes in the Significance and Use section of the standard, “Due to hydraulic pressure that may be present on some applications, engineers need to understand the capability of these products to resist this pressure. This test allows engineers to compare products and verify pullout strength.”
* Committee D35 has also revised standard D6817 – Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam. This specification presents the types, physical properties, and dimensions of rigid cellular polystyrene (RCPS) intended for use as geofoam. It does not address installation and performance.


ASTM International’s Committee D35 on Geosynthetics was formed in 1984 and meets twice yearly. The Committee, with a membership of approximately 330 members, currently has jurisdiction of over 155 approved standards that are published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 4.13.


Dates: 29 – 31 January 2014
Location: Hyatt Regency Houston; Houston, TX USA