Fabricated Geomembrane Institute

Fabricated Geomembrane InstitutePARKER, Colo. – 21 May 2013Colorado Lining International, Inc., congratulates Patrick Elliott on being named one of the Fabricated Geomembrane Institute’s (FGI) newest board members. FGI elected new officers and board members at their biennial membership meeting in April 2013. The meeting was held in conjunction with this year’s Geosynthetics Conference in Long Beach, CA.
Elliott, General Manager for CLI’s Colorado facility, will join other industry experts in advancing the use of fabricated geomembranes through education, research, and technology transfer. Elliott will ensure CLI’s continued involvement in the organization at a time when CLI’s President, John Heap, finishes his term as FGI Vice President, an office he held for the past 4 years. Heap commented, “We are excited about Pat’s growth in the industry—Pat has been a hard-working CLI employee for over 19 years and has learned the geosynthetic business from the ground up. Pat will be a good addition to the board.”
Elliott has been in the industry for almost 20 years and has experience in many facets of containment management including fabrication, installation, estimating, sales and marketing. He has extensive problem-solving experience on technical and complicated projects requiring custom construction and design/build solutions. “I am very proud to be elected to the board of such a well-established organization,” Elliott said. “I am looking forward to bringing some new ideas to help continue the growth of the FGI and to the marketplace for fabricated geomembranes.”
Along with other elected officers and board members, Elliott will help develop, plan and manage FGI’s many short courses and continuing education for the geomembrane industry. He will participate in the various membership meetings and teleconferences with the organization’s mission in mind. CLI is excited to have Elliott involved, and he hopes to contribute to the organization in a progressive manner.
Media Contact: Raquel Vigil – 303.902.0806 – rvigil@coloradolining.com


CLI is a full-service geosynthetic contractor offering a range of containment materials, custom fabrication, certified installation & turn-key construction services.
For more information, please visit www.coloradolining.com or call 800.524.8672


The FGI is a consortium of manufacturers, fabricators/installers, designers, regulators, and material suppliers of fabricated geomembranes. For more information on the FGI, please visit www.fabricatedgeomembrane.com.