CQA Training
TRI Environmental will host two short courses and the GCI Inspectors Certification Program exam November 6 – 8 in Austin, Texas.

TRI Environmental has announced the next dates and short courses for CQA Training Week. From 6 – 8 November 2013, events will be held at TRI’s Austin, Texas campus. Short courses include:

  • “Construction QA/QA for Geosynthetic Installations” (November 6)
  • “Construction QA/QC for Compacted Clay Liner & GCL Installation” (November 7).

On November 8, interested participants will also be allowed to sit for the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) CQA Inspectors Certification Program (ICP) Exam.
Instructors: Sam Allen (Vice President, TRI Environmental), Dr. Robert Gilbert, P.E. (The University of Texas at Austin), and Mark Sieracke, P.E. (Landfill Design and CQA Consultant).
Both courses during CQA Training Week are designed to be independent and complementary of one another. They are focused on providing a detailed understanding of proper construction quality control (CQC) and construction quality assurance (CQA) procedures on waste containment facilities.
They are also ideal preparation courses for anyone who wishes to add the Geosynthetic Certification Institute’s GCI-ICP credential to their professional qualifications.

  • Prepare CQC/CQA plans
  • Review CQC/CQA plans
  • Perform CQC/CQA observations and tests
  • Review field CQC/CQA procedures

CQA Training Week
The two short courses will focus on waste management installations involving geomembranes, compacted clay, geosynthetic clay liners, and more. Seaming and testing will be demonstrated too.

Typical attendees include specifying/certifying engineers, construction/quality assurance, project managers, installers/contractors, third-party inspectors, and regulators.
Day 1 (QA/QC of Geosynthetic Installations) is dedicated to installation of geomembranes, geotextiles, geocomposites, geogrids and geoappurtenances. This education includes a geomembrane-seaming demonstration with a detailed explanation of seam peel and shear testing.
Day 2 (CCL and GCL Installation) focuses on the installation of compacted clay and compacted clay and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). Special emphasis will be given to establishing rationale and standard operating procedures for field inspections, documentation of test and visual observations and implementation of CQA plans.
A tour of TRI’s Geosynthetic Testing and Research Laboratories will be provided with test demonstrations, explanation of some TRI internal R&D projects, and other relevant topics, all supporting class curriculum.
All course participants will be eligible to sit for the GCI-ICP.
NOTE: Since the GCI exam is part of the GCI CQA technician certification program, students MUST REGISTER WITH GSI and pay their required certification fee in order to take this exam.TRI does NOT collect this fee.
Contact GSI directly for more information:  +1 610 522 8440, www.geosynthetic-institute.org.
Visit www.geosynthetictesting.com for more information on TRI’s training, testing and affiliated services.


  1. when will the next training on Construction QA/QC for Compacted Clay Liner & GCL Installations take place in Texas?

    • Keith, thank you for the note. TRI is about to announce dates and the program for CQA Training Week, April 14 – 18, 2014 (Austin, Texas). Liner integrity survey training is planned for April 14 and 15; CQA of Geosynthetic Installation April 16; and CQA for Compacted Clay Liners and Geosynthetic Clay Liners on April 17. On April 18, people may take the Inspectors Certification Program exam (after pre-applying to the Geosynthetic Institute). I will send you the direct information as soon as it is released (~Feb 21).

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