Highway Geology SymposiumThe 65th Highway Geology Symposium (HGS) will be held 7-10 July 2014 in Laramie, Wyoming. This annual event links key transportation designers and officials with geologists, geohazards specialists, and other geotechnical experts who otherwise might not connect at events. This year, TRB is joining the HGS by offering a “Geosynthetics in Roadway Design” half-day short course.
The special short course, which continues a history of contributions from TRB to HGS conferences, will focus on means and methods for improving roadway performance using geosynthetics in various applications. Experts will deliver an overview of current guidelines for design and material specifications and identify ongoing improvements in design and materials.
A reception will follow on the eve of July 7 and bring together the full symposium with the short course participants. From July 8 – 10, technical sessions and tours will be offered. A special symposium banquet will also be held.
Laramie, WyomingThe technical program committee invites papers on geosynthetics, landslides, retaining structures, soil and rock slope design, foundations, karst terrain, instrumentation, rockfalls, rock slope stabilization, risk and management systems, ground improvement, and geological and geotechnical innovations. Papers on subjects concerning highway-related geological and geotechnical problems and the solutions developed to address them are also of interest.
Those papers that focus on practical solutions will be given first consideration and will be considered on a first-come basis.
The deadline for submission of the 200-250 word abstract is 3 February 2014.
Abstracts may be submitted by email to: jdean@odot.org
Include name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of all authors. Abstracts and papers should be submitted electronically in MS word, Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced, and left justified. Notification of accepted abstracts will be given by February 17. Papers will be due by April 14.
NOTE: “Young Authors” (age 35 and younger) are eligible for special award recognition. Up to three young author awards are given at each HGS.
Please check the Highway Geologic Symposium website for updates and more detailed information: www.highwaygeologysymposium.org