Glen Toepfer of CQA Solutions
Though facilities must always be designed to handle potential leakage, Glen Toepfer notes that a CQA “zero leak” strategy is possible–is happening–and results in the best geosynthetic installation performance and ROI.

Glen Toepfer has brought an extraordinary amount of CQA experience to complicated geosynthetic projects, such as the “zero leak” strategy he helped implement at a revered nuclear facility installation. He’s also shared his professional experience through short courses, which he and his CQA Solutions colleagues hold every year at their corporate headquarters in Toledo, Ohio. Now, he’s hitting publishing a new series of CQA-related columns on a special blog: “Uncontained.”
The Uncontained project is part of a growing utilization of social media interaction on substantive field issues for geosynthetics and affiliated professionals.
Many readers of Geosynthetica, for example, may have already encountered one of the earliest Uncontained entries, “Geosynthetics CQA: Is It Really Needed Any Longer?” That post has received decent discussion in geosynthetics-related groups on LinkedIn.
In “Olympic-Sized Success,” Toepfer writes on the installation of 315 acres of leak-free liner. No small feat!
His reflections on CQA practices, geomembrane integrity, and the needs of waste management, mining, energy, and other facilities are both timely and educational. He’s worked in CQA for nearly 20 years, so there’s historical notes and transitions in the profession to note in his articles. Readers will find information on today’s liner integrity surveys and yesterday’s more destructive seam testing methodologies. He notes changes in practice and equipment for air seam testing. He discusses tensiometer operation. And so forth.
Perhaps the most telling statement on CQA is a quote Toepfer shares from Aristotle: “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
Time willing, he may be able to make a habit of publishing more pieces on Uncontained.
Check out Uncontained: