Firestone GeoGard EPDM Liners
The new logo for Firestone GeoGard™ EPDM.

BRUSSELS – Firestone Building Products is pleased to officially announce the new brand name for its EPDM geomembrane in the EMEA region: Firestone GeoGard™ EPDM.

The new GeoGard logo leverages the value of the Firestone brand and all it stands for. The middle line represents the typical cut of reservoirs and canals; the top line refers to landfill covers. The closed oval alludes to the offering of a complete lining system. The overall design makes clear that GeoGard membranes and PondGard™ membranes belong to the same lining family.

The geomembranes and the specifications, as well as their part numbers, will remain unchanged. The new name will not affect your ability to order, ship and install our lining products.

From now on, the Firestone GeoGard brand name will be used for all branded items, including packaging, literature and POS promotional material. The re-branding will take place gradually and the old name will coexist with the new name for a certain amount of time. We encourage you to inform your customers accordingly and start using the Firestone GeoGard name.

Firestone Building Products has been in the lining business for over 40 years. We are confident that Firestone GeoGard and Firestone PondGard™ products will further build up the company’s success in the lining business.

For further questions on the new GeoGard brand name, please contact your local Firestone representative or our Marketing Communications department at