Concrete Canvas, Queen's Award

Concrete Canvas
The Concrete Canvas GCCM (Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat) has a geotextile-style cover, fiber-reinforced concrete mix core, and PVC backing.

Concrete Canvas Ltd was presented with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation on the 17 July 2014 by the Lord Lieutenant of Mid Glamorgan Mrs Kate Thomas.
The awards are made annually by HM The Queen, and are only given for the highest levels of excellence in each category.
Concrete Canvas Ltd. has been presented with this award due to its ground breaking material, Concrete Canvas GCCM*, which allows concrete infrastructure to be installed 10 times faster than conventional concrete with less environmental impact.
Concrete Canvas GCCM is a flexible concrete impregnated fabric that hardens on hydration to form a thin, durable water proof and fire-resistant concrete layer. Essentially, it’s concrete on a roll.
Concrete Canvas GCCM can be laid at a rate of 200sqm/hour and it is available in man portable rolls for applications were access to site is limited. The concrete is pre-mixed so there is no need for mixing, measuring or compacting: just add water.
Concrete Canvas
Channel lining, slope protection, and capping secondary containment are some common applications for GCCMs.

The speed and ease of installation means Concrete Canvas GCCM is more cost-effective than conventional concrete, with less logistical burden; it is a low mass, low carbon technology which uses up to 95% less material than conventional concrete.
Pictures of the presentation, the Lord Lieutenant’s tour of the factory and the staff at concrete canvas can be found here. Director William Crawford said: “It was a fantastic day. Peter and I are incredibly proud of everything our team has achieved that has led to this point. To be recognised by such a prestigious award is an immense honour.”
SOURCE: Concrete Canvas Ltd.
* Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mat