International Geosynthetics Society, IGS AwardsThe 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10 ICG) is not just the quadrennial, global conference for the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), it is also the point at which the Society transitions leadership. The second issue of IGS News details 10 ICG as well as numerous other highlights from its membership’s activities around the world: chapter events, national conferences, project stories, and more.
The IGS News is published three times per year and contains contributions from practitioners around the world.
The 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics will be held 21 – 25 September 2014, Berlin, Germany.


10 ICG
10 ICG will bring together the global geosynthetics community. It also serves as the transition between four-year leadership tenures of the International Geosynthetics Society.
      • Previews of 10 ICG’s content, including session schedule, special lectures, and key events.
      • Jorge Zornberg, the outgoing president of IGS, sums up not so much the last four years of the IGS’s activity but the goals that were set for the Society in 2010 (during the 9 ICG in Brazil). Essentially, his column sets the table for an address he will give at the 10 ICG. The results seem likely to be exceptional—but it is welcomed that Dr. Zornberg has held off on revealing them yet. The ICG has long relegated the full society meeting to an end of conference afterthought; but this time around, the full IGS meeting, awards, and reception is in the middle of the conference. It’s an appropriate place to officially transition between leadership.
      • Last year, IGS Vice President Russell Jones published a column on the society’s chapter activities, delivering an activity score based on unique events, special lectures, and other outreach and educational/technical events the IGS chapters participate in or organize. This year, he’s delivered another column to summarize the chapter activity from 2013. It is fascinating to see which chapters are the most active today. They aren’t always the ones you might expect.
Malaysia Chapter, IGS News
The Malaysia Chapter of the IGS has held its first annual general meeting. Geosynthetics manufacturing and engineering is growing in the country.
      • Event reports from Ghana, Portugal, Switzerland, Honduras, Russia, and Poland give a nicely broad view of geosynthetics around the world.
      • Also profiled are forthcoming event opportunities in Australia, India, Italy, Japan, Peru, Thailand, and the United States.
      • Gary Fowmes writes on “Reducing the environmental impact of construction through use of geosynthetics.”
      • The Malaysia Chapter of the IGS held its inaugural annual general meeting (AGM)
      • And much, much more

The issue, edited by Gerhard Bräu, is packed. Download a copy here (PDF).
Learn more about the IGS at