Richard Bathurst, Geosynthetics international
Dr. Richard J. Bathurst edits Geosynthetics International.

Geosynthetics International, which has become one of the most respected geotechnical engineering journals in the world, is finally making its first nine volumes (1994 – 2002) available for online access. Dr. Richard J. Bathurst announced on the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) website in a November 20 posting that the IGS and the journal’s publisher, Thomas Telford, had come to an online publishing agreement for these early volumes. Dr. Bathurst is the journal’s editor.
Geosynthetics International was originally published by the Industrial Fabrics Association International. Volumes 10 – 21 (the current volume) have been published by Thomas Telford Ltd., with volumes made available online via the ICE Virtual Library. The IGS acquired the rights to the first nine volumes when the publisher of record changed hands, but online publishing was never finalized for the material.
As with all other Geosynthetics International articles, this newly available trove of articles will be free for IGS members to access.
“There are more than 200 peer reviewed papers in Volumes 1 – 9,” writes Dr. Bathurst in his announcement. “[These articles] are as valuable today as they were when first published. ”
Dr. Bathurst also noted that the papers have also been added to Google Scholar.
Of the 268 geotechnical journals currently ranked by SCImago, Geosynthetics International is ranked #4. It is an official journal of the IGS. The Society’s other journal, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, is currently ranked #2 by SCImago.