ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark

ACE Geosynthetics EcoParkThe official website of the ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark has been online since October 2014. Users can explore the park virtually and learn about geosynthetics. Applications profiled on the website include reinforced soil structures (RSS) with six facing systems, nine shoreline protection solutions, and three erosion control approaches. The ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark also includes pavements and other geosynthetic applications. Detailed explanations, such as design drawings, 3D models, construction instructions, construction videos, case studies, and more are offered on the website.
Now, multiple videos about construction process have been uploaded to the website. Five of the videos profile reinforced soil structures and one is about shoreline protection with geotextile tubes.
Access the videos through the ACE Geosynthetics YouTube Channel or via the links below:
How “Wrap-Around Facing Reinforced Soil Structure” is done
How “Wire Mesh Facing Reinforced Soil Structure” is done
How “Precast Panel Facing Reinforced Soil Structure” is done
How “Gabion Facing Reinforced Soil Structure” is done
How “Cast In Place Concrete Facing Reinforced Soil Structure” is done
How “Geotextile Tube in Shore Protection” is done

For example, in the video for the Construction of Reinforced Soil Structure with Wrap-Around Facing, the entire construction process is demonstrated step by step, from foundation leveling, ACEGrid® laying, wall face building, backfilling, ACEGrid® wrap-around, drainage installation, layering, and hydroseeding of the face to complete the structure.
Construction videos are being uploaded continuously. Explore the ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark online now at to find out how geosynthetic applications are done.
About ACE Geosynthetics (ACE)
ACE manufactures and supplies a wide range of quality geosynthetic products for various engineering fields. Products such as geotextiles, geogrids, and geotextile tubes are sold worldwide for geotechnical, transportation, environmental, and hydraulic applications. In addition, ACE offers comprehensive technical service to assist customers during the procurement and construction process.
ACE Geosynthetics has devoted its time and effort to quality building. Other than ISO 9001 certified quality management system, ACE has obtained various verifications and approvals for its products. ACE is recognized for its design excellence and technical skills by winning the IFAI awards repeatedly. ACE also keeps with the current industrial trend by participating in different associations. Nevertheless, ACE will keep striving for the highest customer satisfaction in business.
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