Though Demtech Services, Inc. has well-established itself as an international manufacturer of and parts and service provider for geosynthetic installation equipment, its operations have been almost exclusively out of its headquarters in California. That is changing, now that the company has officially announced the opening of a major equipment warehouse and service center just south of Cleveland, Ohio.

The company has a particularly large market in the United States. Many of the key projects in which Demtech’s equipment is used require extremely tight delivery of new parts and machines and overnight turnaround on maintenance requests. Supply delays slow site work, which is a cost to the installer or the installer’s client.

A new, more centralized center to its customer base will certainly enhance Demtech’s ability to respond efficiently and save on delivery costs for installers.

“For years, we’ve been more than 2000 miles from many of our largest customers,” said Dave McLaury, the company’s founder. “[The new facility] enables us to cut overnight shipping costs considerably for our clients. We can now even offer fast ground shipping.”

Manufacturing will still be centered out of the 10,000+ sq. ft. shop on the West Coast.


The Cleveland-area warehouse carries the full suite of Demtech wedge welders, extrusion welders, sampling equipment, and other machines and parts needed by geosynthetic installers.

Situated in the city of Hinckley, the center provides strategic access to projects and geosynthetic installers in the eastern half of the United States. The region is home to large waste management, water resource, and oil and gas projects. These sites utilize large volumes of geosynthetic materials with a high need for field seams, custom adjustments, and repairs.

McLaury notes that in addition to expedited shipping to and from customers, the new warehouse will also support deployment of personnel to meet directly with customers and their teams at offices and job sites.

Demtech’s “On the Move” program, which has four field technicians placed around the country, will continue to send its team directly to job sites to provide maintenance, training, and other installation support services and equipment. These team members will also be able to orchestrate quick supply with the Cleveland-area location.