Rockfall 2013The Association of Geohazard Professionals (AGHP) has announced the results of its first election. Founded in 2013 to serve the large but fragmented geohazard market in North America, AGHP exists to “support the development of standards, specifications, and best practices concerning the design and implementation of geohazard-related technologies and products; and to support and provide education to the geohazard community and those it serves.”
Voting for the new council took place 3 – 17 December 2014. The results:
Ghislain Brunet
Vice President
Steve Mumma
Bob Forbes
Chris Ingram
Corporate Member Representatives
Ben Arndt and Brian McNeal
Individual Member Representative
Skip Watts
The new Board of Directors will begin a three year term in January of 2015 at TRB in Washington, DC.
AGHP’s members are engaged in a broad range of geotechnical engineering works. In particular, their expertise is utilized in transportation engineering for slope stabilization, rockfall mitigation, reducing seismic risk, etc.
State by state in the US, the acceptance and incorporation of geohazard technologies is particularly fragmented. This is in sharp contrast to other well-developed world regions in which geohazard technologies enjoy greater familiarity with the regulatory and geotechnical engineering communities.
Now that the essential business of establishing the association has been completed, the new AGHP Board of Directors, working with its fellow members and through the association’s multiple committees, will initiate this new period of interaction with the wider market.
Companies and individuals interested in joining and being part of the committees should visit for membership, organization, and event information.