Phil McGoldrick, Strata SystemsStrata Systems has grown significantly in its international presence in recent years. Growth has followed a steady and diverse plan in developing product lines (e.g., StrataWeb®), investing in emerging markets (e.g., Indian and Brazilian infrastructure), and adding people. The company has just announced the addition of an industry veteran as Strata’s new International Sales Manager: Phil McGoldrick.
McGoldrick, who is based in Ireland, is a registered engineer and has worked with geosynthetics in the field for close to 30 years. His various technical and sales roles have sent him around the world, such as working out of Indonesia for an extended period.
Having held worked at times for Exxon Chemicals, Polyfelt, Tenax, Tensar, and CETCO, McGoldrick has developed deep connections within and respect from the geosynthetics field and affiliated geotechnical sector.
With Strata Systems, he will focus on growth in Strata’s business in Europe, India, the Middle East, and South America, and he’ll apply his technical and business expertise to reinforcement of retaining walls, steep slopes, and embankments over soft subgrades for markets such as mining, environmental sites, landfills, railroads, ports, and public transportation.
INDUSTRY PROFILE: Strata Systems, Inc.