Environmental Connection 2016 - Call for PapersThe International Erosion Control Association (IECA Region One) rarely enjoys a quiet moment. The organization is very active in education, event management, and general promotion of expert and issues influencing the field. As we head towards the center of the year, three IECA opportunities stand out.
1. Environmental Connection 2016 Abstracts Due May 29
The annual Environmental Connection is the world’s largest soil and water event.  The installment will be held 16 – 19 February 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. Those wishing to capitalize on this unique opportunity not just to network but to present at Environmental Connection 2016 must submit their abstract by 29 May 2015.
Some of the expected topics include:

  • Accounting for Pollutant Sources in Watersheds/ Where Are They Coming From?
  • Green Infrastructure Practices
  • Rain Water Harvesting for Flood Control and Water Table Replenishment
  • EPA Waters of The U.S. Rule Making
  • Stormwater Compliance and Meeting Project Budgets
  • Innovative Training Approaches/State and Local Certification Programs/Are They Effective?
  • The Challenges & Strategies for Transportation Agency MS4s
  • MS4 Compliance Strategies for Municipal Good Housekeeping
  • Meeting MS4 Permit Requirements with Limited Resources
  • Use of Drones for Inspections/Surveys & Associate Legal Issues
  • Successful Implementations of System for Electronically Tracking Environmental Commitment

2. Webinar: Using TRM’s for High Performance Applications and Protection from Levee Overtopping
East Coast Erosion ControlOn June 3, Michael W. Jotzke will lead IECA’s next turf reinforcement mat (TRM) webinar. Sponsored by East Coast Erosion Control, the event is free for IECA members but also open to non-members for a nominal fee ($15).
Register for the webinar online
Jotzke will focus on the environmental friendly nature of TRMs, how softer armor solutions are replacing hard armor approaches, and how even the US Army Corp of Engineers is shifting to high-performance TRMs in levee defenses. Material specification, criteria, performance and other project-influencing characteristics will be profiled. DATE: June 3. TIME: 12:00 pm (CDT)
3. IECA’s first digital membership directory deadline is June 19
IECA Region OneIECA will soon publish its first full-color, hyperlinked, digital membership directory. The document will serve as a resource for its members for 2015 – 2016. All interested parties have until June 19 to finalize their new or re-upped membership. Get your payment in and get included.
IECA’s directory goes to 2,500+ professionals in 20 countries.
Visit the membership information page for more information.