High Temp Geomembrane by GSE
Having determined it can more efficiently serve its South American market through its other international manufacturing operations, geosynthetics producer GSE Environmental has announced it will close its plant in Antofagasta, Chile. The announcement follows what the company has called a “thorough evaluation of different means to optimize manufacturing productivity, market competitiveness, and quality.”
A sales office will remain in Santiago to continue local engagement with the marketplace.
In a release on the move, GSE President and CEO Robert Preston noted, “We believe this is the best way to serve our customers across the Americas by streamlining processes, consolidating manufacturing operations, and reducing costs.”
“We thank every employee at this location for his or her dedication and commitment to GSE over the years,” Preston added. “We appreciate their efforts and extend our wish for their success and prosperity in the future.”
GSE is headquartered in Houston, Texas (USA) and will continue manufacturing in the United States, Germany, Egypt, Thailand, and China. The company’s materials and engineering services serve diverse markets including containment and management of solids, liquids, and gases for applications in waste management, mining, water, wastewater, and aquaculture.
Learn more about its operations at www.gseworld.com.