Geosynthetics CQA Training CQA WeekThe field of geosynthetics has greatly improved the long-term economics, durability, and service of infrastructure. Beyond manufacturing advances, one of the primary ways in which this geotechnical sector has improved the large civil engineering field is through increased expertise in construction quality assurance (CQA). Many opportunities exist for engineering firms, agencies, and other stakeholders to improve their understanding and facility in CQA. November 2 – 6, multiple CQA training courses are being offered in Austin, Texas.
The site for the training is TRI Environmental’s Austin campus, which includes on-site lined test pits for those taking part in the leak location training and certification courses.
The course and certification schedule:

  • November 2 – 3: Liner Integrity Survey/Assessment (LISA) Training
  • November 3: Level 2 ELIS Exam
  • November 4: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations
  • November 5: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Clay Liners and Compacted Clay Liner Installation
  • November 6: GCI-ICP Certification Exams

Instructors for CQA Week include:

  • Abigail Beck, M.S., P.E. – Senior Engineer for TRI/Environmental
  • Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, P.E. – Director of TRI Geotechnical Laboratory
  • Dr. Robert Gilbert, P.E – The University of Texas at Austin
  • Sam Allen – Vice President and Division Manager, TRI
  • Mark Sieracke, P.E. – Landfill Design and CQA Consultant
  • Jeffrey Blum – Senior Project Manager for Weaver Consultants Group

For engineering companies of all sorts, and particularly for firms interacting with the waste management or mining sectors, CQA Week offers an exceptional opportunity to add depth and new revenue channels to your work.
LISA training and CQA of geosynthetics complement and expand opportunities for engineering consulting and design practice. CQA Week participants will be provided a certificate of course completion, suitable for use in proposals and statements of qualifications for CQC/CQA work. These unique programs provide professional growth and multiple business development opportunities.


CQA ensures that facilities go into service in as ideal a condition as possible. It beneficially impacts waste management, mining, energy, and other sensitive sectors. CQA practices have even created zero-leak installations (e.g., the massive Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station ponds).
TRI Environmental‘s twice-yearly CQA Week training events offer a chance for engineers, regulators, and others to increase their awareness of and expertise with geosynthetic and affiliated compacted clay liner installations. Sessions have been held in Australia, the Philippines, Canada, and at multiple sites in the United States.