IECA free photo contest IECA Environmental Connection 2016The International Erosion Control Association’s (IECA) annual Photo Contest (sponsored by Land and Water Magazine) offers an exceptional opportunity to showcase erosion and sediment control solutions to the large civil and environmental community.  Entries to this free photo contest will be displayed on the IECA Facebook page. The top six from each category will be enlarged and showcased at Environmental Connection, IECA’s annual conference and expo.
Environmental Connection will be held 16 – 19 February 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. This is also where final voting for category winners will take place. Monetary prizes are included, with first, second, and third place winners in each category receiving  USD $50, $35, and $15 respectively. Winners must be on hand to receive the monetary prize, however; if the winner is not present, the money falls to the next winner in succession. If the third place winner is not present, any funds left from the category pass into the Save Our International Land (SOIL) Fund, IECA’s foundation.
Photo categories include:

  • Before & After
  • Impacts of Erosion and Sediment
  • Technology in Action

Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2015.
Enter at:

  • Photo resolution must be 300 dpi or higher
  • Photos will be accepted only in .jpg, .tif, .gif or bitmap formats
  • A brief description for each submittal is required (See the entry form)
  • Entries will be screened for eligibility. IECA has the right of refusal for any or no cause.
  • Photos may only be submitted for entry to the Annual Photo Content once. Re-entries will be discarded.
  • Individual filesize may not exceed 10 MB
  • Photos must be submitted electronically

Entries will be recognized at Environmental Connection 2016 and posted on the IECA website. Photos may be featured in Environmental Connection Magazine, Land & Water Magazine, and on IECA promotional materials.
Enter IECA’s free photo contest at
Visit the conference website for the latest information, including registration, short course, technical program, and exhibition info.
See also: