Titan Environmental - ClosureTurf Titan Environmental growing US market Titan Environmental - Fiberglass GeogridCompany newsletters can be excellent sources not just for tracking current projects and technology updates but for gauging how various regional markets are developing. The Titan Times, published by Titan Environmental Containment, is providing that sort of look with its November 2015 edition. It also shows how the company’s international development includes a fast-growing US market presence, supported a number of key projects.
This issue is driven by the company’s American division (Titan Environmental USA). Branded as the Titan USA Times, it deliveries stories and project notes on five geosynthetic liner installations and an asphalt reinforcement project.
While four of the liner sites earn only on short synopses—a golf course pond in New Mexico, landfills in Iowa and New York, a fish hatchery in Texas—a feature story profiles the installation of the ClosureTurf® composite lining system for a landfill closure in Minnesota.
The Minnesota project is significant. The state is not an easy one to specify new designs into. Waste management, in general, is cautious—one of the reasons it is so effective in its performance. But in Minnesota, introducing new systems, even for accepted designs (e.g., geosynthetic cap on a closed waste cell) can be difficult.
The ClosureTurf® system is a unique composite barrier that bonds a structured geomembrane to a synthetic turf. This creates a natural-looking surface with an impermeable geosynthetic barrier beneath. The geomembrane texture enhances the frictional characteristics of the liner too, making installations, especially on slopes, even safer and more secure.
This type of capping system requires far less cover than a traditional soil-heavy cap and sheds water more efficiently, which reduces infiltration and leachate generation risk. It also reduces stormwater management costs for a landfill, as most of the rainwater can simply be shed.
The geomembrane is manufactured by AGRU America and the system is patented by Watershed Geosynthetics.
To see this system gain acceptance in Minnesota bodes well for its growth in the region.


The Wyoming roads project also gets a bit more attention in Titan’s newsletter, and with good reason. There, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) utilized the company’s TE-FGC 10 fiberglass geogrid near the city of Buffalo.
During the installation, a leveling course was installed over the existing concrete roadway. Then, the fiberglass geogrid was installed and the asphalt placed atop.
The geogrid features a fiberglass component that is coated with a polymer to ensure strong adhesion to asphalt overlays.
The composite reinforcement solution has been through an extensive R&D phase. Sam Bhat, Titan’s VP of Global Business Development and Chief Technology Officer, notes that the company has worked diligently in the manufacturing facility to produce an asphalt reinforcement product directly drawing on field performance needs, both for long-term durability and cost savings. The success in Wyoming by I-25 may be one of many to come, as a number of other projects are now in the pipeline to use this asphalt reinforcement solution.
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