Geosynthetics Risk Management Program GSI Webinar MSE WallSegmental Retaining Wall DesignThe Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) reminds readers that November 11 is the next date to take part in the popular webinar on MSE Wall, Berm and Slope Construction Inspection. Mechanically Stabilized Earth structures with geosynthetic reinforcements have become an enormous market across multiple infrastructure segments. Proper inspection and knowledge of them is essential to ensuring safety and durability of these systems.
DATE: 11 November 2015
TIME: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm (EST)
COST: USD $200 (GSI Members), $250 (Non-Members)
GSI’s webinar, led by Dr. Robert Koerner, P.E., looks at the three distinct time frames of MSE structures (before, during, and after construction), thus giving a complete view of the practice. The education in the presentation focused on what is felt to be the proper state-of-the-practice.
“Integral to this task,” writes the Dr. Koerner, “is the contractual method, the various organizations involved, and the specific inspectors tasks.”
He notes that the materials involved (soils, geosynthetic facings) will be illustrated along with typical inspection costs.
MSE construction inspection activities to be detailed include:
Before construction

  • Foundation conditions
  • Water regimes
  • Materials conformance testing
  • Meetings
  • Documentation

During construction

  • Leveling pad
  • Drainage
  • Face forming
  • Lift progression
  • Finished soil surface

After construction

  • Final structure
  • As-built survey
  • Periodic future inspections

The Geosynthetic Certification Institute Inspector Certification Program (GCI-ICP) will also be described.

Learning Objectives

Webinar participants will learn about contractual variations used in the construction of MSE structures with geosynthetic reinforcement.  They will also learn about types and conformance testing of materials used in their construction.  The major focus, however, is to learn an inspectors duties and obligations before, during and after construction of the MSE system.  These separate stages are amply illustrated by many field photos of correct practice.
The implications of a failed MSE structure will be dismissed from the vantage point of remediation costs, negative publicity and loss of confidence in this type of wall, berm and slope system.