Presto Geosystems - SustainabilityPresto Geosystems - GEOPAVERidges Sanctuary, Door CountyWisconsin’s Door County is known for its natural beauty, with much of its economy tied to nature-related tourism and businesses. Despite its strong reputation, the area has not actually had a LEED® certified commercial building. That is changing, now that the 7,400 sq. ft. Ridges Sanctuary has been constructed with the support of Presto Geosystems’ porous pavement technologies and other stormwater management solutions.
Utilizing GEOPAVE® porous pavements and additional sustainable products, the nature preserve facility’s parking and walkways around the facility now enable significant infiltration through the engineered system’s aggregate. This allows stormwater to be reserved rather than having it wash across hardscape, where it might collect sediment and pollution before washing into waterways.
Presto reports that the facility is expected to receive its official LEED® certified status by the end of the year.
In a release about the project’s success, the company noted that “Protecting the Lake Michigan watershed was a primary concern at this facility’s location on the northeast shores of the Door County Peninsula, and Western shore of Lake Michigan….The GEOPAVE system was an important part of the overall plan to protect the waters against the negative effects of stormwater runoff on water quality.”
The system acts as a natural stormwater retention system, as the infiltration is stored in the aggregate base. Natural percolation can then follow.
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Enhancing the project’s sustainability, locally sourced limestone crushed aggregate was used for construction of the parking lot, and a contrasting-colored buckshot crushed aggregate was sourced locally for the walkways. This enabled the eco-friendly design to be more economical and aesthetic.
The GEOPAVE porous pavement system also improved the sustainability rating, as it is made from recycled polymer. It’s integrally-molded mesh bottom contains the aggregate infill and minimizes aggregate movement under vehicle loading and turning stresses. GEOPAVE pavements are designed to accept everyday traffic and can be designed with appropriate base to accommodate heavier loads, such as for emergency and utility lanes.
“We are extremely pleased with the level of interest visitors have expressed in the GEOPAVE product,” said Judy Drew, the Ridges Sanctury Assistant Director. “We’ve had the opportunity to talk with them about this very practical way of making a personal investment in the environment.”
One of the center’s core activities is education, which it carries out both in its sustainability facility and across the 1,600 acres of biologically diverse ecosystem it protects.
Download a copy of Presto Geosystems’ project story (PDF)
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See also:
Presto Geosystems – Geosynthetics Industry Profile