Huesker Mini-WebinarsHuesker - Coal ash and geosynthetics Huesker - Coal ash and geosyntheticsThe January 2016 GeoConnect Newsletter from HUESKER has a strong focus on coal ash and geosynthetics, on the updated coal combustion residual (CCR) regulations in the United States and the many solutions the sector is receiving from geosynthetics industry. The company’s focus includes a feature column and a breakdown of relevant products.
It also held a successful, free, mini-webinar (< 30 min) on the topic (with additional sessions possible).
Learn more about other mini-webinars in January


In the latest GeoConnect, HUESKER writes:
“Research indicates the EPA insists ‘all CCR surface impoundments be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained with adequate slope protection.’ While the ruling provides broad statements including ‘other slope protection…would also be considered adequate,’ HUESKER knows the electric power generating industry doesn’t seek “adequate” in any venture they undertake thus, will turn to HUESKER for more long term sustainable solutions for a wide range of geosynthetic applications including but not limited to slope protection, impoundment closure, soil reinforcement and dewatering.”
To this end, the company recognizes that utilities are responding differently to what strategies they use to achieve compliance and long-term CCR security. With coal ash and geosynthetics, there are many options to economize systems without sacrificing safety and to meet the individual needs or a particular site without paying a site-specific premium.
Just as the municipal solid waste industry has developed a strong relationship with geosynthetics and achieved remarkable, repeatable performance and durability, so too can coal ash.


The January issue also includes:

  • Project of the Month: Mine Detention Pond
  • Mini-webinar topics, dates, and registration links
  • Invitation to meet with HUESKER in Booth #301 at GeoAmericas 2016 (10 – 13 April 2016, Miami)
  • GeoQuiz with cash prize
  • Randy Orchard’s addition as Operations Manager in Shelby, North Carolina

Read the issue online
Visit for more geosynthetics information and project stories from HUESKER.