Imagine IM1 July 2015 – Imagine IM started its life as NanoCarbon in 2014 with a vision to be a leader in the emergent graphene industry. Now, like many start ups, the company has pivoted. We met with real customers, who have already developed an understanding that graphene can be the solution to a current unmet need. As a result we gained insights that made us rethink our business model. We became extremely focused on solutions for mass manufacturing supply chains and realised that industrial scale manufacturing of intelligent materials would require us to develop new ways to make graphene composite materials and simultaneously enable customers to de-risk the use of a totally new material – graphene.
It was a transformational moment for us.
We are proud to announce that our company name has changed to Imagine Intelligent Materials – or Imagine IM for short. Our new brand identity aims to capture the principles and persona of turning bleeding edge research into 2D materials and deliver disruptive scalable products for our customers. We intend that “imgne™” will become synonymous with intelligent materials in industry and with consumers. We hope that our customers will be inspired, like us, to imagine the possibilities… of using graphene to create materials that can be mass manufactured and are incredibly strong, conductive, hydrophobic, impermeable to gases and will also act as self reporting sensors. We don’t know where the journey will take us yet. But we aspire to imgne the possibilies…
Visit for more information about graphene technology in manufacturing.