MS4 Conference from EPA and IECAThe 3rd Annual Municipal Wet Weather Stormwater Conference will be held 16 – 18 May 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee. The event, organized by the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Southeast Chapter and the US Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, is a conference on MS4 design and implementation strategies, exemplary projects, and best practices and technologies. Abstracts are being accepted through March 15.

MS4 Topics

The conference seeks 45-minute presentations on a variety of topics. Example topics include:

  • Integrated or Watershed based Permitting
  • Sustainable Development, LID and Green Infrastructure
  • TMDLs and Watershed Implementation Plans
  • Stormwater Funding, program management
  • Legal, Ordinances and Regulations
  • Public Education and Outreach
  • Erosion and Sediment Control
  • Evaluation of Stormwater Practices and Devices
  • Inspection Methods and Technologies
  • Stream Evaluation, Restoration, and Monitoring

In keeping with the event’s green engineering leanings, the organizers ask that as potential presenters prepare their ideas they envision sessions with limited handouts. Electronic copies of presentation materials are preferred, such as those which may be submitted to the conference and downloaded by registered attendees.
For information on selection criteria, or to submit an abstract, visit:
GeoAmericas 2016