Andy Durham of Propex GeoSolutions discusses TRM durability and UV performance in erosion and sediment control materials–part of the company’s “Are you sure?” campaign to improve engineering and construction knowledge of material quality and selection. Geosynthetica’s Elizabeth Peggs interviewed him during Environmental Connection 2016, the annual conference and exhibition of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Region 1.
Propex’s Engineering Specialist, Drew Loizeaux, presented new research at Environmental Connection on the performance of the company’s materials alongside various geosynthetic and rolled erosion control products (RECPs). The study worked to quantify functional longevity under UV radiation exposure.
That research is at the center of Propex’s “Are you sure?” push.
“We are right in the middle of two great industries in this civil and infrastructure world,” Durham says. “There’s a lot of things about performance and durability—specifically UV resistance since most of these products are installed on the service of infrastructure—so the customer, the engineer, the specifier, the contractor really needs to be sure the quality of manufacturing is there.”
“Ultraviolet radiation is the ultimate enemy to synthetic erosion control products,” he says. “We wanted to make sure that everyone could ask the question, ‘Are you sure that your product will stand the test of time?’ You can be sure with Propex products.”
Learn more about Propex’s materials and access engineering resources at the company’s redesigned website.

GeoAmericas 2016