BMP Supplies - Spring Berms for Sediment ControlCatch Basin Donuts from BMP SuppliesWater quality concerns are radically changing how municipalities manage runoff. A greater focus has been placed on preventing water from entering storm systems (e.g., through infiltration designs). Also, cities are increasingly turning to BMPs, such as catch basin donuts and berms, to remove sediment and other potential pollutants from entering the system.
Canada-based BMP Supplies has been manufacturing products for this ever-growing market sector, both for new infrastructure and for improving older developments and stormwater systems across North America.
Earlier this year, the company was present at the International Erosion Control Association’s (IECA Region One) annual conference and exhibition, Environmental Connection 2016, in San Antonio, Texas. There, BMP Supplies presented its Spring Berm and Catch Basin Donut solutions.


The BMP Spring Berm is an expanding energy dissipater that reduces erosion and prevents the formation of rills or gullies. The product’s expanding nature improves the efficiency of shipping. A single standard pallet holds 270 berms—equivalent of 1600 linear feet of erosion protection.
In a market heavily influenced by controlling site costs, logistics-enhancing characteristics, backed by performance, are a strong advantage to contractors and developers.
The installation of the berm system is also simple. Connectors on each component’s end give the berm a modularity that enables it to be built to project-specific sizes quickly. Flaps are secured using a common sod stapler.
In Edmonton, a major highway project was supported by the system, with only one worker needed to install this portion of the project.


The Catch Basin Donut is an aboveground product that efficiently filters stormwater near construction sites. Primary benefits include easy installation and maintenance. Simple sweeping or shoveling of the collected sediment from around the catch basin is all that is needed.
Low, medium, and high-flow fabrics are available, and a secure 4-in. donut foam prevents flooding.
Long available in Canada, these catch basin donuts are now entering the US market.
Additional solutions from the company include fiber tubes, sandless sandbags, and turbidity curtains.
 Learn more about BMP Supplies and these water quality and erosion and sediment control solutions at