HUESKER HaTelit Paving InterlayerOn June 28, HUESKER will present a free asphalt pavement interlayer webinar. The session will begin at 2:00 pm (EDT), will include 20 minutes of engineering information, and roughly 10 minutes of Q&A with participants.
Mike Samueloff will lead the discussion.
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The constantly increasing vehicular dynamic loads on pavements, coupled with daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations and the way in which asphalt and concrete pavements react to the varying temperature fluctuations, form the basis of reflective cracking in pavements. High stress and strain concentrations at the crack tip cause the pavement to further deteriorate by propagating into the new asphalt surface.
Pavement interlayers mitigate this process.
The geosynthetics field has long been involved with asphalt pavement interlayer development. These materials are designed to improve the life-cycle performance of hot mix asphalt overlays. Pavement interlayers address a variety of commonly found pavement distresses, which mitigates reflective cracking.
During the webinar, Samueloff will discuss the engineering basis for pavement interlayers, with examples drawing upon HUESKER’s HaTelit®. This product increases the time between pavement restoration and maintenance intervals; and, because of the benefit of less pavement cracking distresses, the user’s annualized maintenance costs can be drastically reduced.
To register, visit
SEE ALSO: June 2016 GeoConnect Newsletter on Pavement Interlayers
For more information on HUESKER’s geosynthetics, applications, and projects, visit