ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics - Geosynthetic Product Specification SubcommitteeThe influential ASTM D35 Committee on Geosynthetics has established a new subcommittee: D35.06, Subcommittee on Product Specifications. The first meeting of the subcommittee is schedule for ASTM Committee Week, 14 – 16 June 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
In a letter to committee members, the standardization body noted that the new subcommittee has come about through “discussion with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) Subcommittee on Materials (SOM), Subcommittee 4e regarding their current revision effort on Standard Specification for Highway Applications, AASHTO M288.”
AASHTO is looking to improve M288 and expand the scope to other applications.
“The scope of the current standard states: ‘This is a materials specification covering geotextile fabrics for use in subsurface drainage, separation, stabilization, erosion control, temporary silt fence, and paving fabrics,’” writes ASTM. “The SOM Subcommittee 4e has requested ASTM’s assistance in the development of appropriate standards for reference within M288, including standard product specifications.”
A D35 meeting in Norfolk, Virginia in early February helped establish the coordination needed to get this new endeavor underway.
“Based on the comments from the meeting, and in an effort to focus their efforts with regard to geosynthetic specification development, the D35 Executive Committee voted to form a new Subcommittee, ASTM D35.06 on Product Specifications,” notes the committee.
The first product specifications workshop will be held June 14 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Further details to Subcommittee D35.06 meeting schedule will be forthcoming and published prior to the Toronto meeting.
For more information, visit or contact:

  • Katerina Koperna – ASTM D35 Committee, Staff Manager
  • Jim Goddard – ASTM D35 Committee Chairman
  • David Suits – ASTM D35.06 Subcommittee Chairman