IGS North America LogoEducate the Educators - IGS North America General AssemblyWhen Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 convenes in Orlando, Florida, it will bring together members of the geosynthetics and larger geotechnical engineering communities. The conference, which occurs every six years, combines the biennial Geosynthetics conference with the annual Geo-Congress of ASCE’s Geo-Institute. One of the major meetings taking place at it is the IGS North America General Assembly.
IGS North America invites all members of the geosynthetics community to attend the March 14, 6:00 pm gathering, which will be held in the Hyatt Regency Orlando’s Bayhill Room #30.
A roundtable will be held at the end of the General Assembly and everyone is invited to take part.
(NOTE: The one exception to participation will be on the few items requiring open vote. Voting is restricted to members only.)


Outside of the normal measures (e.g., Call to Order, Quorum, etc.), the IGS North America General Assembly will include:

  • President’s 2015-2017 Report
  • Treasurer’s 2015-2017 Report
  • Announcement of 2017-2019 Board of Directors
  • 2017-2019 President’s Address
  • Awards
  • IGS North America Photo Contest Results
  • New Business and Close of Meeting
  • Roundtable Discussion and Brainstorming Session Led by Dr. Richard Brachman


IGS North America has been reinvigorating itself over the past years. It hosted the quadrennial Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics in April 2016 in Miami, which saw the event event series’s biggest participation (1100 attendees, 200 presentations, 95 exhibitors). It added new management services with Minerva TRI (manager of GeoAmericas 2016). It organized a high-profile, joint webinar with the National Concrete Masonry Association.
Elections for the group were held in January 2017. Results will be announced in Orlando at the General Assembly.
Roundtable discussion items may include the future of the Educate the Educators program, which the group revived to great success in 2015, technical committee needs, formats for transferring technology and training, and more.
Learn more about IGS North America at www.igs-na.org.