HUESKER HaTelit Paving InterlayerAsphalt Interlayer Association Elects HUESKER’s Samueloff New PresidentBy Ray Myers – The Asphalt Interlayer Association has just completed its annual officers election. Michael Samueloff of HUESKER was elected president of the AIA board. Dennis Rogers and Nicholas Reck, both of Tensar Corporation, were elected Vice President and Secretary, respectively. Eric Hicks (Pacific Northwest Oil) was elected Treasurer.
AIA was formed as the Asphalt Fabric Interlayer Association in 1998 to ensure quality installations for agencies and pavement owners. The primary product in those days was polypropylene Petromat®, a geotextile paving fabric which is still in the marketplace through Propex. Collaboration with manufacturers, agencies, and consultants resulted in the generation of nationally recognized and accepted specifications and inspection procedures.
The Association also developed on-site test procedures to verify proper quantity installation of the key component: liquid asphalt tack coat. Manufacturers then developed new products including polyester fiberglass blends or paving mats. Soon, paving grids and composite paving grids followed.
These innovations led AFIA to change its name to the Asphalt Interlayer Association.


To this date, AIA focuses on the dissemination of information on the differences between the various interlayer options, their respective benefits, proper selection, and proper installation.
Regardless of the interlayer chosen, it must be installed correctly. The pavement maintenance industry has seen a broad range of changes, such as adding warm mix asphalt, rubberized asphalt, a greater use of milling, and new installation methods for interlayers. The GRCS (Geosynthetic Reinforced Chip Seal, or chip seal over fabric) may not be known by many but has proven to be a system mitigating crack reflection and waterproofing that exceeds any other pavement maintenance system.
AIA is the resource as to what specifiers and users need to know to properly use their limited maintenance dollars. To that end, we invite all existing or potential users to visit the AIA website (, email, or call +1 800 650 2342.
Ray Myers is the Executive Director for the Asphalt Interlayer Association