TRI will host three geosynthetics CQA training short courses and two certification opportunities November 27 – December 1 in Austin, Texas
CQA Training and Certification at TRI
The next CQA Week will present multiple opportunities for high-level CQA training and certification. Construction Quality Assurance experts in projects utilizing geosynthetics, such as in waste management and mining, ensure the effectiveness of the materials and their role in providing long-term service lives and economical performance. The work performed by CQA professionals helps facilities go into service in as ideal a condition as possible.
TRI Environmental will host three CQA training courses and two certification opportunities 27 November – 1 December 2017 in Austin, Texas. Registration discounts are available for multiple attendees from a company and for government employees.


The course and certification schedule:

  • November 27 – 28: Liner Integrity Survey/Assessment (LISA) Training
    • An optional Level 2 ELIS Exam is offered on November 28
  • Novembe 29: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations
  • November 30: Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Clay Liners and Compacted Clay Liner Installation
  • December 1: GCI-ICP Certification Exams

Instructors for the CQA Week events include:

  • Sam Allen – Vice President and Division Manager, TRI
  • Jeffrey Blum – Senior Project Manager for Weaver Consultants Group
  • Abigail Gilson, M.S., P.E. – Senior Engineer for TRI/Environmental
  • Jeffrey Kuhn, P.E. – Director of TRI Geotechnical Laboratory
  • Mark Sieracke, P.E. – Landfill Design and CQA Consultant


Liner Integrity Survey/Assessment Training – November 27 – 28
A Liner Integrity Survey (Electrical Leak Location) is a state-of-the-art, nondestructive method of locating leaks in installed geomembranes. LISA equipment, rooted in geophysical measurement techniques, tests exposed and soil or water-covered geomembranes. TRI’s training course disseminates the theoretical and practical knowledge required to employ and specify the quality of LISA methods and equipment. The course includes a classroom example of a test cell process which simulates the ELL testing process.
The Liner Integrity Surveys/Assessments (LISA) class provides the most up-to-date information on survey methods and standards (e.g., ASTM). It is ideal for design engineers, CQA firms, site owners, and regulators interested in specifying and employing this service. Consult the CQA training courses brochure for details on the Level 2 Certification for liner integrity surveys.

CQA Training and Certification at TRI
Liner integrity surveys verify the quality of geosynthetic lining system installations or identify areas where damage has occurred so that repairs can be made before the facility goes into service.

Field CQC/CQA Training – November 29 – 30
These two 1-day courses may be taken singly or as a package. They are designed specifically for those who need a detailed understanding of proper CQC and CQA procedures at waste containment facilities. The courses provide ideal preparation for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute’s Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) exam.  Gain comprehensive understanding of:

  • Preparing CQC/CQA plans
  • Reviewing CQC/CQA plans
  • Performing CQC/CQA observations and tests
  • Reviewing field CQC/CQA procedures

Each course presents material that complements the other. Day 1 focuses on installation of geomembranes, geotextiles, geocomposites, geogrids, and geo-appurtenances. It includes demonstrations of geomembrane seaming and seam peel and shear testing. Day 2 focuses on the installation of compacted clay and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). Special emphasis will be given to establishing rationale and standard operating procedures for field inspections, documentation of test and visual observations, and implementation of CQA plans. A broad appreciation for the manufacture and installation of containment facility materials will be provided. Additionally, a tour of TRI’s Geosynthetic Testing and Research Laboratories will support class curriculum through test demonstrations, details on some TRI internal R&D projects, and discussion of other relevant topics.
GCI – ICP Certification Exams (Optional) – December 1
CQA training course students are allowed to sit for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute – Inspectors Certification Program (GCI-ICP) exams immediately following the CQA courses. All exam-interested students MUST REGISTER with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) and pay GSI’s certification fee before the test. TRI does NOT collect this fee. Contact GSI (+1 610 522 8440) for more information.