MAXConference will continue its annual series of transportation-related events with a strong incorporation of geosynthetic materials. From 12 – 13 March 2019, the group will host Asphalt Concrete Mixes and Geosynthetic Materials in Road Constructions at the InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya Hotel in Russia.
International manufacturer Thrace Group serves as this year’s key conference partner.
MAXConference Expands the Scope of Its Geosynthetics Event
In 2017, MAXConference held the 2nd International Conference on Geosynthetics in Road Construction, with the sponsorship and participation from Maccaferri, NAUE, Thrace Group, Bohnenkamp AG, and Machina-TST. The International Geosynthetics Society’s member Francesco Fontana delivered an address on European practice while NAUE’s
Kent von Maubeuge presented on ASTM and ISO standards.
Asphalt concrete mixes adds a new layer to the events in this series. 


This year’s themes include:

  • The current state of motor roads in Russia, regulatory controls, and  compliance with operational requirements
  • Use of Superpave and PNST 183-2016/184-2016 asphalt concrete mixes internationally
  • Innovative materials for repairing and renovating all roadway classes
  • Prospects for a universal technical standards in roadway design and construction
  • Harmonization of European regulations on geosynthetics

Conference delegates have previously included top-tier companies and associations from throughout the world, including: ROSAVTODOR, Stroyproekt Engineering Group, Lemminkäinen Stroy, ABZ-1, VAD, ROSDORNII, SibADI research center, FKU Kola, FKU Rossia, FKU Moskva-Bobruysk, Tsentravtomagistral, GK «Avtodor», LLK-International, Rosneft, Gazpromneft — bitumnye materialy, Biotum, Fakel Service, InfraTest, Rettenmaier Rus, Wirtgen Group, Avtodor engineering, AVRORA, ABZ-Dorstroy, DuPont, Asphatobeton 1, Aeroproekt, Administration of civil airdromes and airports, MADI, Tensar, Miakom, SIBUR, DSK AVTOBAHN, Mosinzhproekt, NII TSK, Permgrazhdanproekt, the International Geosynthetics Society, Maccaferri Gabions CIS, Giprostroymost, Test centre VNIIGIS, VTM Dorpoekt and many others.

Photo from 2nd International Geosynthetics in Road Construction
Kent von Maubeuge addressing ASTM and ISO standards during a 2018 MAXConference transportation and geosynthetics event.

For registration and program information, please contact us by phone +7 (495) 775-07-40 or e-mail: Visit MAXConference and the transportation event page at