Waterproof Membranes 2013This year marks the 7th annual Waterproof Membranes, a geotechnical and architectural conference from Applied Market Information (AMI). The event will be held 10-12 December 2013 at the Hotel Nikko in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The program for Waterproof Membranes 2013 has not yet been announced, but previous years have featured presentations on:

  • Liner integrity surveys
  • Photovoltaics adhered to geomembranes
  • Enhancing EPDM membrane performance
  • UV weathering of exposed membranes
  • Lifetime expectations of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes
  • Greenroof designs
  • Spray-applied membranes

Many other subjects related to structural waterproofing, water resource conservation, manufacturing and more have been presented on. Also, AMI typically shares market information from its extensive international surveying.
GSE Environmental, Agru, Solmax, Sotrafa, Geosynthetica, and numerous other companies from the field of geosynthetics have presented and exhibited at the event.
The Waterproof Membranes series features an opening night reception followed by two days of presentations before the entire conference audience (instead of having competing tracks). In general, the presentations run 20 minutes with time available for brief Q&A.
Registration is open. Visit the event website for more information: