ASDSO - Dam Safety 201012 January 2010 – The Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) invites students to submit papers on topics related to dam and levee safety, including engineering, geology, hydrology, hydraulics, environmental & agricultural sciences, design, construction, risk, hazard mitigation, emergency management, floods, floodplain management, case studies, security, policy issues & more.

ASDSO will award up to $1500 in prizes. Winners will present their papers at Dam Safety 2010, ASDSO’s Annual National Conference, to be held in Seattle, 19-23 September 2010.


  • Students must be actively pursuing a degree at a U.S. college or university at the time of the abstract deadline (10 February 2010)
  • Full-time, part-time and cooperative education students are eligible
  • Award winners must present their papers at Dam Safety 2010. (Conference registration fees will be waived for all student attendees.)
  • Papers may be coauthored by faculty or colleagues who are not students, but only student authors who present papers are eligible for prizes.
  • Papers cannot have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts

Students may submit abstracts of up to 400 words and a full paper outline or 2-3 page summary online or by email.

Online – Complete the submittal form at, under Conferences & Training / ASDSO Conferences / Dam Safety 2010 / Call for Abstracts. Direct link:

Email – Attach the abstract and paper outline or detailed summary in an MS Word or Acrobat pdf file and email to with subject line “2010 Annual Conference Abstract.” Provide in the body of the email message:

  • Paper title
  • Name & full contact info for primary author(s)
  • Name of academic institution
  • Academic major & level
  • Enrollment status in February 2010 (FT, PT or co-op)
  • Names, titles & affiliations of all co-authors
  • Notice of intent to present at Dam Safety 2010


  • February 10, 2010 – Abstracts due
  • March 26 – ASDSO invites full papers
  • June 2 – Draft papers due
  • June 23 – Awards announced
  • July 28 – Final revised papers due

Prizes and Recognition

  • ASDSO will award up to $1500 in prizes
  • Winning papers will be published in the Dam Safety 2010 Proceedings. All other entries will be reviewed for entry in the Dam Safety 2010 Poster Session.
  • ASDSO will recognize prize winners at the Dam Safety 2010 Awards Banquet, in the ASDSO newsletter, and in the quarterly Journal of Dam Safety

A flyer announcing the competition is available at:


Sarah McCubbin-Cain
Association of State Dam Safety Officials
450 Old Vine Street
Lexington, KY 40507-1544
+1 859 257 5140
+1 859 257 2102 (Direct)

Students: Present your valid Student ID for free admission to ASDSO’s 2010 conferences:
ASDSO 2010 Southeast Regional Conference – May 3-6 – Charleston Civic Center, Charleston, WV
Dam Safety 2010 – September 19-23 – Washington Convention Center, Seattle