Coal Ash Impoundment, WebinarIn June 2010, the USEPA proposed new rules requiring composite liner systems (geomembrane liners placed over a layer of compacted clay soil) for CCR disposal facilities. While no final rule has been passed, hundreds of existing facilities have no liner systems and many sites are candidates for vertical/lateral expansions.

A common composite liner design involves the use of a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) underneath the geomembrane, in place of the compacted clay layer.

This one-hour, August 30 webinar will present the current stae of practice related to GCL chemical compatibility and present research on new GCLs with improved chemical resistance to CCRS. Design considerations for vertical/lateral expansions over CCR ponds and landfills will also be covered. The webinar is being given by CETCO and Geosyntec. Registration is free.


  • CLs for CCR Containment
  • Advances in Design of Landfills over CCR Ponds and Landfills


  • Chris Athanassopoulos, P.E., CETCO
  • John Seymour, P.E., Geosyntec

Date: August 30
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am(CDT)