Geosynthetic Installation2 November 2010 – Guest Teacher Abigail Beck of Ausenco Vector will join Ian Peggs of I-CORP International to teach Liner Integrity Survey Training–offering multi-lingual support in the class during TRI/Environmental’s next CQA Week, which will be held in Austin, Texas at the TRI campus 6-10 December 2010.

TRI’s construction quality assurance (CQA) training focuses on geomembrane liner integrity surveys, QA/QC of geosynthetics installation (geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, etc.), QA/QC of compacted clay and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) installation, and optional certification exams.

This already excellent course lead by Dr. Ian Peggs will include practical application information from Ms. Beck’s 49 million square feet of electrical leak location experience. Ms. Beck’s experience as a Civil/Environmental Engineer and Geoelectrical Survey leader is the perfect complement to Dr. Peggs’ 30+ years of Geosynthetic Materials Science & Electrical Leak Location experience.

Join them both in the classroom & in the field to learn how to effectively preform geoelectrical leak location. Ms. Beck speaks English, Spanish, French, German & Czech; and although the class will be taught in English she may be able to provide multi-lingual support when necessary.

For more information, please visit