Eastman has developed several new high-quality, environmentally responsible specialty polymers, including Eastar Bio Copolyester 14766. Eastar Bio copolyester is a biodegradable traslucent polymer that can be blown or cast into a tough film, spun into fibers and netting, or injection-molded when combined with other materials. According to the company, the product fully degrades to CO2, H20, and biomass. Within 60 to 90 days in an active microbial environment, the polymer (in thin0film form) becomes invisible ot the unaided eye and ultimately biodegrades. Practical applications include limited service-life products such as yard and leaf bags and geotextiles. The company touts the light weight of Eastar bio copolyester bags, which hold up under wet conditions, as well as their dart and tear resistance, heat-sealability, and the product’s soft texture. The thermoplastic resin contains no migratory plasticizers, fillers or additives and leaves no harmful residues. For more information visit: htpp://www.eastman.com