Estrel Convention Centre, 10 ICG

10 ICG, INTERPLAN AG is sole accommodation agency
Only book your room(s) for the 10ICG and Baugrundtagung through the event website and INTERPLAN AG.

Warning for Exhibitors and Participants: The Exhibition Management, the German Geotechnical Society and the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) have been made aware of a service provider named Exhibition Housing Services (EHS), which has contacted a number of companies who are participating in the 10ICG / 33rd Baugrundtagung, citing the congress, to offer hotel reservation services. ONLY INTERPLAN AG is authorized to serve as the accommondation booking agency.
Exhibition Housing Services are not affiliated in any way with the Exhibition Management, the DGGT or the German IGS Chapter nor are they entitled to use the names or trademarks of the DGGT or IGS on information they send out to exhibitors.
If you are contacted by Exhibition Housing Services by phone or e-mails using the DGGT / IGS name or the name of 10ICG / 33rd Baugrundtagung and offering hotel reservation services, we urge exhibitors and conferences attendees to proceed with extreme caution before signing anything sent by EHS or entering into any conversation with EHS or replying to any EHS emails sent from “”.
The DGGT and organizing partners have appointed INTERPLAN AG as the sole authorized accommodation booking agency for the 10ICG / 33rd Baugrundtagung.
Hotel rooms can be booked directly on the congress website:
Your contact person at INTERPLAN for hotel bookings:
Ms Silke Vester,
Thank you,
German Geotechnical Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik e.V. DGGT)
German Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society IGS