Reclamation has constructed 27 alternative canal-lining test sections to assess durability and effectiveness (seepage reduction) over severe rocky subgrades. The lining materials include combinations of geosynthetics, shotcrete, roller compacted concrete, grout-filled mattresses, soil, elastomeric coatings, and sprayed-in-place foam. The test sections are predominantly located in central Oregon, with one in Montana and one in Oklahoma. Each test section typically covers 15,000 to 30,000 square feet. The test sections now range in age from 6 months to 71/2 years. Preliminary benefit/cost (B/Q ratios have been calculated based on initial construction costs, durability (service life), maintenance costs, and effectiveness (determined by full-scale preconstruction and postconstruction ponding tests). The 27 test sections are divided into 4 canal lining categories as shown in the table 1.

To order this report, contact: Jack Haynes +1-208-378-5225 (vox), 5305 (fax), jhaynes@pn.usbr.gov or view www.pn.usbr.gov/cons/canallining.pdf.