encourages you share your expertise with the international design, construction and quality assurance community. The following calls are updated every two weeks.

Some upcoming conferences still in need of abstracts, session proposals, case studies and papers include:

Deadline for SubmissionGeosynthetics India 2008 will be held 19-21 November 2008 in Hyderabad, India. While the conference is on the near horizon, the technical committee will accept papers for consideration through 16 August 2008. The event is organized by the Indian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and the Geosynthetics India 2008Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP). Case studies are invited on the following topics such as new geosynthetics materials, reinforced soil structures, roads and railways, ash ponds, erosion control and much more. View the PDF with more conference and case study submission information.

The 2009 Design-Build Water/Wastewater Conference (4-6 March 2009, Denver, Colorado) seeks papers on "Understanding and Managing Sub-Surface / Geotechnical Risk" in its Legal Issues and Risk Allocation track. Abstracts are due by 25 August 2008.

New ItemWaterpower XVI
‘s latest communication has set its deadline for abstract submissions at 5 September 2008. This biennial event for hydro professionals and affiliated specialists will be held 27-30 July 2009 in Spokane, Washington.

Mining has been one of the hottest topics (and commodity sectors) in recent years. How to responsibly manage the breakneck pace of new mining developments? That’s exactly the focus of First International Seminar on Safe and Rapid Development Mining, which will be held in Perth, Australia from 5-9 May 2009. Deadline for abstracts: 22 September 2008.

GeoAfrica 2009 will mark the first African regional conference on geosynthetics. Cape Town is the destination for this seminal event from the Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA) and the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). Abstracts and proposals are due by 30 September 2008. A PDF download version of the call is available.

9ICG LogoThe 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics (9ICG) from the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) takes place 23-27 May 2010 in Guaruja, São Paulo, Brazil. While 2010 seems a long way off, session planning for this major, quadrennial event is intense. Abstracts and proposals are due by 30 October 2008. See the call.

And abstracts are due on 31 October 2008 for the 24th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, which takes place 15-18 March 2009 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Abstracts are being accepted for both oral and poster presentations, with some of the suggestions involving leachate reduction, liners, caps, ash management, and methane harvesting. See the full call from the Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, as published here at

Cooperation for Waste IssuesCooperation for Waste Issues will be held in Kharkiv, Ukraine 8-9 April 2009. Theevent is the 6th International Conference on Solid Waste, Sewage and Air Emissions Management. The Deadline for paper consideration is 1 December 2008. Conference organizers seek papers regarding topics such as Legal and regulatory framework of waste management; Sanitary, environmental, institutional and economic aspects of waste management; Waste management technologies, equipment and services; Landfill construction and operation; and much more.

Keep us informed of the events you are presenting at or at which you would like to see presentations and papers involving geosynthetics! Contact geosynthetica by email or call +1 561 655 2060. We’d be happy to post applicable items on our Call for Papers page and in news items and columns such as this one.

Chris Kelsey is an editorial consultant for