1 July 2010 – The 5th international conference entitled the Grass Yarn & Tufters Forum to be held from 22-24 February 2011 in London, United Kingdom. A welcome reception and registration event will be held on the first evening followed by a two-day programme of technical and market papers. For more information please see the website at:


We invite your participation.

Call for Papers

The deadline for submitting a short abstract, title and speaker details to me is 6 August 2010.

The theme of this year’s event is improving end-use value, I am therefore looking for papers on topics such as:

  • Developments in yarn, turf and related components, materials and machinery
  • Developments in materials covering aspects such as polymers, colour, stabilisers etc.
  • Energy restitution – e-layers, shock pads and infill developments
  • New technologies being developed. How/when will they be commercialised and what will be the implications?
  • Installation, installed quality and maintenance of turf
  • Sports science, health & safety, quality and long term performance
  • End user performance and satisfaction
  • End-of-life disposal
  • Regulations status and developments
  • Testing developments
  • Does the current system of approvals adequately secure the health of the industry?
  • Industry structure & business models. What business models are likely to be most robust?
  • Market channels
  • Leisure market developments: defining and segmenting customer needs

Speakers have a 30 minute slot including 5 minutes for questions. Speakers attend the conference as our guests.

Promotional Opportunities

There are a limited number of tabletop exhibition spaces available and tailored sponsorship packages. Early registration and group discounts are available.

Further information about this and other AMI conferences can be found on the website at: www.amiconferences.com

If you would like to suggest a topic or a speaker for this conference, please send me a short summary before the deadline of 6th August 2010. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Jenny Skinner is a Conference Organiser for Applied Market Information (AMI). She can be reached at js@amiplastics.com