IGS News Focuses on International Engineering Events

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) has just release Volume 31, Issue 1 of its IGS News. Published three times per year in support of the often-updated news on its...

C-TPAT Certification: Solmax

Solmax International announced last August that it had earned Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) certification. In an audit last month, the company's rating was affirmed and renewed--and Solmax's application has been recommended for the border security program's important Tier 2.

Gundle's Experience Wins Out in Madibeng

The Local Municipality of Madibeng this week denied claims that a contractor was appointed on a contract of almost R3 million at the landfill site in De Kroon without a tender being issued. Gundle Geosynthetics (Gauteng, South Africa) was appointed directly, the council has said, in order to guarantee expert work at the environmentally sensitive site. While local contractors may be upset about not having the work, they must understand that most geosynthetic types require careful handling and experience. They must not be confused with earthworks. Learn more here.;

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Cazzuffi on Geosynthetics Standardization

Following the recent meetings of ISO TC 221 – Geosynthetics, Past President of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Daniele Cazzuffi sat down to discuss geosynthetics and how standardization efforts...

HUESKER Responds to Market Growth

From HUESKER inc. - As one of the world's leading manufacturers of geosynthetics, agricultural and industrial textiles, HUESKER, Inc. keeps their finger on the pulse of geotextiles and geosynthetics...

Deadlines: Call for Papers

Applied Market Information (AMI) reminds all that the call for proposals for Waterproof Membranes 2009 close on 17 April 2009. The event will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany from 19-21 October 2009 and will be the third installment in this series. Contact the conference organizers for more information. Learn more here.;

Rubber as a Primary Liner for Milling/Grinding in Mining

This interest in rubber-based liners for SAG milling flies in the face of the previous belief that a SAG mill, using large-diameter grinding media, was just too tough an environment for rubber. But synthetic and natural rubbers are moving from secondary liner status to primary liners in grinding applications at mines. A Canadian company claims to have supplied liners to more than 300 mills around the world. Learn more here.;

IGS Norway Forms

Arstein Watn, the president of the newly formed Norwegian chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), reports on the chapter's long and winding road to formation.

D35 Work Item on PVC Geomembrane Seams

ASTM International's Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced work item WK33069, "Standard Specification for Non Reinforced PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Geomembrane Seams." It is a work item revision to existing standard D7408-08. The specification for 50 and 60 mil PVC for shear was greater than 80% of the material strength; a proposal has been made to change the numbers back to the industry standard. Learn more here.;

Elk Mound Farm Wins Award

An Elk Mound, Wisconsin dairy operation has been selected to receive the 2010 Environmental Excellence Award by the Dairy Business Association. Five Star Dairy, LLC received the honor during World Dairy Expo this week for its outstanding waste and pollution prevention projects that protect Wisconsin's natural resources. The farm has installed a manure lagoon cover to keep out water and enable digester production in the future. Learn more here.;

How a Tugboat Can Drag a Freshwater Iceberg

Since he was hired in the '70s by Saudi prince Mohammad al-Faisal, French engineer Georges Mougin has tried to figure out a way to tow freshwater icebergs across the Arctic. Now, with 3-D tech, declassified satellite data, and tugboats, he might have cracked the way to quench the world's thirst. And he proposes using geotextiles. Learn more here.;

Raven Launches 2-Step Oxygen Barrier for Ag Market

The new 2-step oxygen barrier from Raven Industries' Engineered Films Division has been inspired, in part, from the company’s extensive work in gas barrier geosynthetics. It represents another multi-layer...

First Oil Sands Project in US Approved

The mining of oil sands has been almost exclusively a Canadian natural resource activity, but the first commercial oil sands project in the United States has just been approved in Utah. Earth Energy Resources Inc. has just received a permit to mine a 62-acre pit in eastern Utah. The company plans to produce bitumen, a tar-like form of petroleum, from oil-soaked sands. Learn more here.;

EPA Announces Public Meetings on Chesapeake Bay 'Pollution Diet'

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is scheduled to hold 18 public meetings this fall to discuss the draft Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)--a strict "pollution diet" to restore local waters and the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay TMDL will set binding limits on nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution throughout the 64,000-square-mile watershed to meet clean water standards for the Bay and its tidal tributaries and help restore local rivers and streams. Read more.
Alex Gersch, Business Development Manager

Australia: New Business Development Manager for Layfield

Layfield Environmental Containment is pleased to announce the employment of Mr. Alex Gersch as Business Development Manager based out of Adelaide, South Australia. Alex brings a wealth of experience...

GSI Newsletter – March 2010

The March 2010 Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) newsletter is available. The current issue includes a roundup of the Institute's many activities and research projects (such as Grace Hsuan's ongoing stress-cracking studies on geomembranes and geopipes), generic specification updates, a report on GRI-24, short course and special meetings notes, a list of the 75 GAI-LAP accredited laboratories, and much, much more. Download a PDF copy today. Learn more here.;

Suit: Waste Lagoons Need Liners

Water quality and environmental activists have filed suit against the state of California for its failure to require either groundwater testing or liners for animal waste lagoons. There are currently no protections in place, the suit claims. California is a major agriculture and livestock state. Its dairies have come under intense scrutiny, though, as the farms have gotten larger yet environmental controls have not caught up. Learn more here.;

Solmax at Heap Leach Solutions 2013 Conference

Varennes, QC – Solmax will present at the Heap Leach Solutions 2013 conference in Vancouver, Canada on September 24, 2013 at 1:50 pm. Robert Denis (Vice President – Product Engineering, Solmax) will present a technical paper written...

Tri-Tech Holding Announces New Senior Executive Appointments

Tri-Tech Holding Inc. (Nasdaq: TRIT), a premier Chinese company that engineers, manages and monitors municipal sewer systems, natural waterways and other water resources, announced today the appointment of two new senior executives. Mr. Cliff Zhu was named general manager of the sales management department and Ms. Jenny Du was appointed general manager, department of marketing and communications. Tri-Tech designs customized sewage treatment and odor control systems for China's municipalities and larger cities.

APWA Sustainability in Public Works Conference 2011

APWA's Sustainability in Public Works Conference offers a meeting place for professionals in both the public and private sectors for the sharing of innovative ideas in sustainability. With the industry's newest processes and technologies available at this event, attending can prove to be a truly important investment in your community's (or business's) future. The event takes place 27-29 June 2011 in Portland, Oregon. Read more from APWA (PDF).

GRI-GM30 Delivers a Woven-Coated Geomembrane Spec

On May 24, Interwrap's Jimmie Eloff was discussing a canal lining option with an engineer in Idaho. The next morning, Eloff contacted the engineer with a woven-coated geomembrane specification...

In Memoriam: Agru Founder, Alois Gruber Sr.

The Gruber and Haager families, as well as all Agru Company employees worldwide, are saddened to announce the death of their father & founder, Mr. Alois Gruber Sr., on...

Decisive Disaster Debris Management

Nazli Yesiller, the director of the Global Waste Research Institute (GWRI), writes for Waste Management World on preparing to deal with debris and waste during and following natural disasters. Her discussion of the subject includes burying and cover debris and waste and utilizing geosynthetics in the containment process. Learn more here.;

Covered Lagoons a Boon to Dairy Industry

The battle against global warming may turn out to be a boon for a California industry long targeted by environmentalists -- dairies. Green engineering is taking off in agriculture with the help of technologies such as methane-harvesting digesters with geosynthetic covers. David Albers, president of the 2,800-cow Vintage Dairy in western Fresno County, is also part of BioEnergy Solutions, a company utilizing geomembrane covers for power-converting systems. They are hoping to raise money to create a network of 40 dairies plugged into the grid. Learn more here.;

Demtech's Pro-Wedge 3XL Wedge Welder: 3X Faster and More Powerful

Geomembrane barriers are essential to many applications and industries, but they do not perform as designed unless their highly-engineered panels are properly welded. Welding requires care and precision, and the longer it takes to secure a barrier, the more expensive the installation becomes. Demtech's latest wedge welder, the Pro-Wedge 3XL, is the most advanced wedge welder on the market, combining exceptional safety and accuracy with what is by far the fastest welding speed available. With its longer wedge and greater heating power, it is 3 times faster, even for the most challenging geomembrane installations. Read more.