Safeguarding Water with Super Absorbent Polymer Geomembranes

By Richard Starkey and Michael Aerts – The competition for water resources is growing globally, with the resolution of or the inability to effectively resolve these issues threatening economies, communities,...

EPA Announces Next Step in Rigorous Pollution Diet for Chesapeake Bay

EPA today announced draft allocations for nitrogen and phosphorus as part of a rigorous pollution diet for meeting water quality standards in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries, and restoring local rivers and streams throughout the 64,000-square-mile watershed. EPA plans to issue a draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or pollution diet for a 45-day public comment period on September 24. The final Phase 1 Watershed Implementation Plans are due November 29, and EPA will establish the Bay TMDL by December 31.

U.S. Conference of Mayors Encourages Adoption of Green Building Codes

The U.S. Conference of Mayors has voiced their support for the International Green Construction Code, the first code to address regulation of green construction. A resolution was passed that endorses Version 1.0 of the Code, which is slated for release in November. The Conference of Mayors believes that making buildings more energy efficient could save the U.S. up to $140 billion annually. ASTM International is one of the Cooperating Sponsors of the IGCC. For more information, visit Learn more here.;

Geomembranes Saving Pakistan's Water Supply

Last year, the Sukaarr Foundation Trust (SFT) launched a rainwater harvesting project in Pakistan's Thar region, village of Diplo where the well had run dry. The SFT is a non-governmental organization. The project installed geomembrane-lined ponds to stop seepage. Roofs over the ponds and some underground tanks have helped assuage evaportation concerns. By the end of the monsoon season's second shower, the village's 700 residents had enough water for a year. This pilot project may be replicated across Pakistan soon. Learn more here.;

Post-Harvey Impact on Geosynthetics Manufacturing

At its peak and not long before it made landfall in Rockport, Texas, Hurricane Harvey was rated a Category 4 storm. It was the first major hurricane to make...

CLI Statement on Acquisition by Raven Industries

Following the August 22 official announcement by Raven Industries that it had signed an agreement to acquire Colorado Lining International, CLI President John Heap issued the following statement. (NOTE:...

Symposium: Geotextiles in India

The Business Co-ordination House (BCH) of India and India-Tech Foundation will hold a one-day symposium, "Geotextiles in India: What, Where and Why," on 17 October 2008. The event will be held in conjunction with CONSTRU India 2008. Read more from BCH on the symposium.

Geomembrane Breakthrough Ensures Strength Without Compromising Flexibility

Layfield Group,, a leader in geosynthetics and environmental containment solutions for industrial, oil and gas, mining and municipal markets is proud to announce the launch of Enviro Liner® 6000HD. Enviro Liner® 6000HD is a premier grade geomembrane that offers superior UV resistance, tensile strength and flexibility through its advanced formulation of flexible polyolefin alloys and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).

Fortune on ADS Sale

Fortune magazine's Dan Primack writes about Berkshire Partners' sale of Advanced Drainage Systems after 22 years of ownership. Learn more here.;

GeoHalifax 2009 Early Registration

The early registration deadline for GeoHalifax 2009 is 17 July 2009. Full conference registration includes membership in either the Canadian Geosynthetics Society (CGS) or the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) - Canada National Chapter (CNC). Take advantage of the preferential pricing and membership offer. Conference fees increase $100 after 17 July. Secure registration for this 20-24 September 2009 (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) event is available online. Learn more here.;

Europe's First Artificial Reef Complete

With the aid of geotextile tubes, Europe's first artificial surf reef has been completed off Boscombe in Dorset. However, the delayed £3m project cannot be officially launched until Bournemouth Borough Council has carried out tests with RNLI lifeguards on it. Bad weather on Wednesday meant scheduled training had to be cancelled, the council said. The surf reef, which has more than doubled in cost, is part of an £11m regeneration of the seafront. A launch date has not yet been set. Learn more here.;

XV PCSMGE Best Rate Deadline – June 30

The 15th PanAmerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XV PCSMGE) will take place 15 – 18 November 2015 in Buenos Aires. Following the trend of other major...

Tunnelling 2020 Offers Case Study Map

The Tunnelling 20Twenty event will be held in Hong Kong 19-22 September 2011. The conference explores the opportunities in tunnelling and what the international market may look like for the next 20 years. Currently, the Tunnelling 20Twenty website offers a downloadable map with 20 case studies that will be highlighted during the event. These include tunnel projects such as 18km Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link under the Baltic between Germany and Denmark, lessons learned from cave-ins in Beijing, Switzerland's Gotthard Tunnel, Brazil's boom, and more. Learn more here.;

What Will Be Geosynthetica’s Most-Read Articles for 2016?

As the year comes to a close, we take a closer look at the analytics to see how users have interacted with the site and to gauge our most-read...

With Dissatisfaction Mounting, ASR Considers Rocks Instead

Nearly a decade ago, the success of a geotextile bag artificial surf reef raised great interest; and since then numerous projects have been launched. In recent years, however, many projects have been started but not fully carried through, often due to funding. The result have been dissatisfied municipalities and not-as-designed surf production. ASR, the company building these reefs, is now offering to complete one reef at cost using rock instead of geotextile bags. Rock, in these projects, is actually cheaper. Learn more here.;

Richard Erickson Joins CETCO

CETCO announces that Richard B. Erickson has been appointed the position of Technical Sales Manager for CETCO - Lining Technologies Group. Richard is located in California and will be responsible for the West Coast regional sales, reporting to Timothy J. Rafter, National Sales Manager. Effective 4 January 2010, Richard can be reached at

Update: Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014

VANCOUVER, BC, Canada - ConferenceMine, the conference division of InfoMine, is proud to announce the Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014 conference (, to be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from...

Manufacturing Marvels Spotlights GSE Environmental

GSE Holding, Inc. (NYSE:GSE) a leading global manufacturer of highly engineered geosynthetic containment solutions for environmental protection and confinement applications, is excited to participate as the leading company in their industry on Manufacturing Marvels narrated by John Criswell. "Being spotlighted on Manufacturing Marvels is a testament to the dedication and commitment of our employees to provide products and solutions that protect our water and keep our communities safe. We are proud of the work we do," said Peter McCourt, Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing.

TenCate's Busy Booth

TenCate Geosynthetics (Booth 607) will release new products, design software and details of their new paving warranty during Geo-Frontiers 2011. To learn more, visit one of their many mini-sessions, to be held in the TenCate exhibit hall booth on March 15 and 16. The schedule includes GeoDetect® (Tues. 1:00-1:30 pm, Wed. 10:00-10:30 am), RSi Intro (Tues. 2:00-2:30 pm, Wed. 11:00-11:30 am), MiraSpec (Tues. 3:00-3:30 pm, Wed. 12:00-12:30pm), and Warranty (Tues. 4:00-4:30pm, Wed. 1:00-1:30 pm). Learn more here.;

Catherine H. Pilarz Named 2011 ASTM International Chairman of the Board

Catherine (Kitty) H. Pilarz, senior director of Mattel/Fisher-Price product safety in East Aurora, N.Y., is 2011 chairman of the board of directors of ASTM International, one of the world’s largest and most diverse standards developing organizations. Chairman of the board is the highest elected position in ASTM International. Learn more here.;
GCL installation - Photo by NAUE

The IGS TC-B Takes on GRI-GCL3

On March 3, renowned geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) expert Kent von Maubeuge (NAUE) will deliver a live webinar on “GCL Standard Specification GRI-GCL3: Background, Development, Limitations, and Latest Updates.”...

Call for Papers: Solid Waste Conference

The 25th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management conference has issued its Call for Papers. The event will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 14-17 March 2010. It's hosted by the Civil Engineering Department of Widener University and the Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 31 October 2009. Read the abstract invitation. Learn more here.;

Levee Grass Management

The US Army Corp of Engineer (USACE) is racing against the clock to get grass to grow on some elevated levees in New Orleans ahead of the next storm season. The slopes have developed some ruts and are not taking to new seed well. Part of the problem is old, inexact "boilerplate" specifications. Perhaps vegetated erosion contol blankets and turf reinforcement mats (TRMs) merit greater consideration now. Learn more here.;
UK Environment Agency

UK Environment Agency Republishes Geomembrane Publications

You may be seeing a lot of familiar material returning from the Environment Agency of the United Kingdom online. A new website for has started reissuing reports as it replenishes...

Flood-damaged Queensland is facing billions of dollars in repairs

Queensland, Australia, faces billions of dollars in damage after massive floods struck the state. At least 55,923 miles of roads need to be rebuilt, and sewer systems and parks will need massive repairs. "In some instance, we won't rebuild it exactly as it was. We might build it better or smarter," said Local Government Association of Queensland CEO Greg Hallam. "But we could never build anything that would withstand what we've seen." Learn more here.;