SELC Calls for Double-Liner Systems

Following Congressional pledges for EPA regulation of coal waste after the catastrophic waste spill in Tennessee and a second spill in Alabama, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) has outlined what it believes are the minimum safeguards necessary to protect the environment and public health and safety from coal waste. Among the SELC's recommendations: double-liner systems. Read more in the release and link to a report.

MasterBuilder's Geosynthetics Issue

India-based publication MasterBuilder has released a special issue on geosynthetics in the world's largest democracy. Artilces from Ian Peggs of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Lance Carter of Strata Systems, and many others are included. Subjects covered include high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes, geogrid soil reinforcement, geotextile applications (e.g., road construction), landfills, waterproofing, and more. Read the electronic version of the magazine. Learn more here.;
RemTech 2013

"Bonificare i siti per chiudere col passato e conciliare green economy…"

Le parole del Ministro dell’Ambiente Orlando, che con il suo messaggio ha inaugurato la settima edizione di RemTech Expo (Fiera di Ferrara, 18-20 Settembre), suonano al contempo come un...

Food for Thought

Also from the October 24 issue of The Economist, an article on biofuel production, and how methods of production just may make these once-revered fuel solutions more environmentally destructive than traditional sources. Of note, the increased need for environmentally damaging fertilizer may cause more harm than good. Also, the need to strip soils for harvesting certain biofuel varieties, such as palm oil grow on peat, can be disastrous when measured against the benefits of biofuels. But careful, smart production can be an advantage. It takes much greater consideration, however, than just doing what off-hand sounds environmentally friendly. Learn more here.;

TRI on

Joel Sprague of TRI/Environmental has authored a piece about the International Erosion Control Association's (IECA) Southeast Chapter Training and Field Days. The two-day October event included a full day at TRI's Denver Downs Research Facility, a large-scale testing facility for erosion and sediment control products and systems. Read the report and see photos from the event at Learn more here.;

Geosynthetic Durability Assessment Series

Dr. Ian D. Peggs, P.E., P.Eng., has authored an introduction to ISO/TS 13434, "Geosynthetics: Guidelines for the Assessment of Durability." We publish here the sections on historical development, geotextiles, geosynthetic barriers and geogrids. For online readability, we've broken the sections into four pages, but all references have been repeated on each page for convenience of use. Links to the subsequent sections on geotextiles, geosynthetic barriers and geogrids can be found at the end of each part under "Related Sections." Begin here with the section on "Historical Development."

TenCate's Busy Booth

TenCate Geosynthetics (Booth 607) will release new products, design software and details of their new paving warranty during Geo-Frontiers 2011. To learn more, visit one of their many mini-sessions, to be held in the TenCate exhibit hall booth on March 15 and 16. The schedule includes GeoDetect® (Tues. 1:00-1:30 pm, Wed. 10:00-10:30 am), RSi Intro (Tues. 2:00-2:30 pm, Wed. 11:00-11:30 am), MiraSpec (Tues. 3:00-3:30 pm, Wed. 12:00-12:30pm), and Warranty (Tues. 4:00-4:30pm, Wed. 1:00-1:30 pm). Learn more here.;

Sustainable Development Goals and Geosynthetics

This April, Geosynthetica is promoting 30 Days of Earth Day (#30DaysEarthDay). Each day we will publish stories on the intersections between geosynthetics and environmental protection, sustainable development, climate change,...

Precision Becomes First Foreign Geosynthetic Laboratory to be CMA Certified

Three short years after opening their first laboratory in the Chinese market in 2006, Precision Geosynthetic Laboratories International (PGLI) is thrilled to announce they are the First Foreign Geosynthetic Laboratory to be certified by the CMA (China Metrology Accreditation). This Accredidation allows PGLI to reaffirm to their customers they are receiving the highest level of quality testing available. A CMA certification allows PGLI to issue reports with the CMA mark, which is accepted by the Chinese Government for evaluation of a products quality and safety. It is also used for the conformance to the mandatory standards in China.

Saskatchewan's Growth in Oil Sands

Alberta Oil magazine says forget potash; oil sands is the driver of investment and interest in Saskatchewan. The province is now the #2 oil sands producer. The succinct piece on the magazine's website is supported by a nice graphic of development zones and key stats on production. Learn more here.;

Coal Ash Rules and Engineering Webinar, November 15

CETCO is supporting a free, November 15 webinar on US Federal Coal Ash Rules — Engineering and Design Considerations. The discussion will be led by Dr. John Daniels (Univ....

Megadairy to Be Built over Karst?

The fate of a 1,400-acre dairy farm again rests with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The dairy, partially finished and owned by A.J. Bos, has been in legal limbo for more than two years. The EPA is demanding five studies and tests to determine whether manure holding ponds would be located on top of karst terrain. Bos has refused. Learn more here.;
Concrete Canvas - MENA Business Development Manager

Employment: Concrete Canvas Seeks MENA Business Development Manager

Concrete Canvas is a rapidly growing, UK-based manufacturing company with an award-winning geotechnical material: Concrete Canvas GCCM. Since 2007 the company has achieved an average year-on-year growth of more...

Waterproof Membranes 2021 Program Announced

AMI’s Waterproof Membranes conference is back! The next edition will take place 8 – 10 November 2021 at the Pullman Cologne hotel in Cologne, Germany. The single-track, international conference focuses on...

ITA Geosynthetics Group Celebrates 30th Anniversary

By Bruno Pedroni – The Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) is one of the most prestigious engineering institute’s in Brazil. The Institute's geosynthetics group (GGGAITA) is celebrating its...

Raven Industries Announces Installation of World’s Largest 7-Layer Barrier Sheet Line

Raven Industries Engineered Films Division announces the installation and start up of newest blown sheet line; the world’s largest seven-layer barrier system. Raven is well known for innovative manufacturing technologies along with a comprehensive range of production capabilities and is the first to install a system of this magnitude in barrier technology. Raven has worked extensively over the past 18 months alongside industry experts Davis Standard LLC during the planning, design, and development of this highly complex engineered equipment. Raven's new line is capable of processing the widest and thickest (EVOH, Nylon) barrier structures available in the industry today, producing films up to 32 feet in circumference and sheeting up to 80 mils thick with optional surface texturing available. This machine houses a unique 60-inch diameter, seven-layer Centrex die manufactured with the latest extrusion technology and engineered to provide maximum versatility utilizing seven individual extruders for the production of barrier sheeting.

GMA Submits Comments to EPA

The Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) has provided significant leadership in public discussions on the future of US coal ash facility construction rules. With current discussion regarding whether facilities might be governed under Subtitle C or D regulations, GMA has spoken at public gatherings and submitted formal comments and documents whenever the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has called for input. The latest comments regarding the storage of Coal Combustion Residuals (CCRs) were submitted 14 October 2010. We encourage readers to follow this developing story and the important work GMA is carrying out. Learn more here.;

Geotextile Tubes to Defend 7-Miles of Grand Isle Shore

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is entering into a $50 million agreement with the state of Louisiana to repair the Grand Isle storm-surge protection barriers. Governor Bobby Jindal signed the agreement on Thursday, April 2. The project is to be fast-tracked and will use geotextile tubes packed with sand to form the core flood defense measure along much of a seven mile stretch. The previous storm-surge defenses were destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005) and Gustav and Ike (2008). The barrier system will be 13 feet high and will be composed of central, sand-filled, six-foot-diameter geotextile tubes with additional sand packed around them.

Texas Tech's Fibertect Absorbent Can Clean Gulf Oil Spill's Crude, Hold Toxic Oil and...

As workers battle the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and officials attempt to decontaminate a clam boat that dredged up old munitions containing mustard gas, a Texas Tech University researcher said his product Fibertect® can handle both dirty jobs. Seshadri Ramkumar, an associate professor of nonwoven technologies, said the Texas Tech-created nonwoven cotton carbon absorbent wipe can clean up crude oil and adsorb toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon vapors reportedly sickening oil spill clean-up crew members.

Saving Drivers and Salmon

Realignment of the popular A7 trunk road was required to improve the safety, comfort and reliability of journey times on the A7. This involved eliminating several dangerous bends at Auchenrivock, Dumfries and Galloway. Adoption of Tensar International's low impact Tensartech slope and wall systems avoided potential possible environmental problems with the River Esk.

Global Geosynthetics Summit to Be Rescheduled

The timeline for conferences are, not uncommonly, adjusted slightly from well out; but it is extremely rare for events to be rescheduled so near to their original dates....

Faulty drainage system to delay completion of facility

Construction on the new John D. Parker East Texas Fish Hatchery near the Sam Rayburn Reservoir in Jasper County, Texas is delayed following the collapse of large-diameter pipes beneath the facility. Learn more here.;

Penton's Waste360

Penton Media's involvement in the waste management field is extensive, from publishing Waste Age magazine, The Circular File newsletter, and others to organizing events such as the Global Waste Management Symposium and Waste Expo. Now, the group has folded all of its properties together under a single resource: Learn more here.;

Geosynthetic Technical Barriers Create Continuity at Ennigerloh

Geosynthetic materials and mineral components are used as technical barriers for landfills. As a base seal, these engineered systems prevent polluted liquid seepage into groundwater. As a landfill cap,...

Nearly Flat Spending Forecast for Global Construction in 2010

Driven by strong upturns in Asia and despite additional, though slowing declines in the U.S. and Europe, the global construction market is forecast to yield virtually no growth in 2010 following back-to-back contractions in 2008 and 2009, according to the Third Quarter Global Construction Outlook by IHS Global Insight's Construction Service HIS forecasts China to lead recovery with the United States, Europe and Japan lagging.