IECA's Shirley Morrow

In the latest E-Learning newsletter from the International Erosion Control Association (IECA), the association offers a profile of one of its key faculty members: Shirley Morrow, CPESC, CISEC. She has played a key role not just in sharing her expertise and in providing training to IECA members, but in the development of erosion control programs for major corporations such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot. Read a profile of her in PDF and learn a bit more about IECA's education opportunities. Learn more here.;

IECA's Best of the Listserve

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has included a sample of its members-only listserv in the latest issue of the E-Learning Newsletter. The listserve allows members to pose questions and contribute answers to one another. In this sample, a member asks about specifying non-wire backed silt fence. Learn more here.;

More Uses for Resin-Bonded Geotextiles

Resin-bonded geotextiles have long been seen as a material with potential, particularly for the abrasion resistance a needlepunched geotextile might gain with resin bonding. You might find them beneath golf course bunkers where the resin-bonded geotextiles provide slope stability and drainage support; but few other applications have actually been explored. Clive Mills of Fiber Bond Corporation writes about this overlooked material and the applications in which it may soon be adopted.

AMCOL in Stock Pick News

Over at Trading Markets, a press release of interesting stocks to watch includes Amcol International, parent company of CETCO. CETCO is a leading global supplier of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). Read about the stock's performance and the company in the release. Learn more here.;

Waterproof Membranes Market

Plastemart has published something of a mashup on the waterproof membrane market based upon the presentations planned for the forthcoming Waterproof Membranes 2009, 19-21 October 2009, Duesseldorf, Germany. Some highlights: John Nash of Applied Market Information (AMI), based in the United Kingdom, has just completed a study on the market; Dow will discuss market expansion; the International Green Roof Association will speak; and geosynthetica's Chris Kelsey will speak about flexible solar cells in geotechnical applications. Learn more here.;

NA Green in North Bay News

The North Bay Business Journal, which serves San Francisco and the surrounding Napa and Sonoma Valleys, has mentioned Indiana-based North American Green in a round-up of green business news. NA Green's Santa Rosa-based supplier Stevenson Supply Co. was recgonized by NA Green in the company's 2009 Distributor Case Study Competition. Stevenson supplied 4,000 sq. ft. of turf reinforcement mats (TRMs) to replace concrete in a drainage ditch project. Learn more here.;

Synthetic Grass

Artificial turf has evolved significantly from the old, hard AstroTurf. Today, hyper-modern synthetic grasses are installed, and not just in professional sports stadiums. They are also being adapted for public parks and recreation fields. The synthetic turf saves municipalities a tremendous amount on water and maintenance needs. Geosynthetic companies such as TenCate have applied their knowledge of polymeric products to help revolutionize this sector. Learn more here.;

Anaerobic Bioreactors

Ken's Foods of Marlborough, Massachusetts, is featured in the latest Environmental Protection magazine for its installation of anaerobic bioreactors to manage wastewater. The system uses geomembrane covers and harvests 200,000 to 300,000 cubic feet of biogas per day. The biogas is converted to energy--enough to power the plant's entire heating needs and half of the electricity for the manufacturing facility. Learn more here.;

Depsite Poor Economic Conditions, Pipe Demand Rising

Despite a weak current construction environment, the demand for pipe is expected to grow by 2% a year to 3.35 m (11.1 billion feet) in 2013, according to the study, Plastic & Competitive Pipe, released by the Cleveland-based industry research firm group, The Freedonia Group Inc. This growth will be a direct result of renewed activity in the construction sector, the growing obsolescence of sewer and drainage systems, and needs to upgrade municipal water systems. Learn more here.;

Designing with Geotextiles and…Compost

The summer lecture series at Yestermorrow Design/Build School in Warren, Vermont includes a 19 August 2009 presentation on "Beyond Compost: Advanced Uses of Compost and Geotextile Materials." The interestingly-named Buzz Ferver will discuss compost and geotextile materials for stormwater treatment, urban gardening, "living" retaining walls, greenroofs and more. Learn more here.;

Kendall Joins SCS Engineers' New Denver Office

SCS Engineers (SCS) is pleased to announce that John J. Kendall, P.E., has joined the firm's new Denver, Colorado, office, where he will lead environmental projects for government and private clients. Mr. Kendall is a Mining/Environmental Engineer with technical, business management and international experience in solid waste design and permitting, surface water design, mine tailings remediation, and a wide variety of environmental and compliance related projects.

TenCate Introduces Environmentally Sustainable Drainage Geosynthetic

TenCate™ Geosynthetics introduces Mirafi® MiraGreen™ D for site drainage applications for engineers and architects committed to designing environmentally sound projects. Mirafi® MiraGreen™ D is a nonwoven drainage geotextile comprised of 30% (LEED calculated) recycled content. TenCate™ has developed, through extensive research, a uniquely reliable product that reduces dependence on virgin petroleum based resins. Read more in the release.

ACG: Mining Update

The Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG) has a number of interesting, international events and deadlines coming up. Geosynthetics may play a significant role in a number of the mining discussions facilitated by ACG. Also, the Centre has now developed individual websites for more of its events, making the key information easier to come by. Further, ACG is associated with numerous other events around the world. Read a breakdown of the forthcoming events.

EPA Joint Press Conference

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson will hold a joint press conference with Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, and U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester to make an announcement on a public health issue. The press conference will be held June 17, at 1:20 p.m. EDT.

PCB Cleanup May Require Second Liner

Amec Environmental is involved in the PCB cleanup project of the New Harbour dumpsite near Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canada. During a public meeting on June 11, Amec representatives said that a second liner may be needed to properly close the site. Learn more here.;

Electrokinetics Nears Profit

UK-based Electrokinetics, which combines geosynthetic and electrokinetic technologies for drying out soils, was launched five years ago out of research and development work conducted at Newcastle University. The company has made its first major deals now and is very close to turning profitable. Electrokinetics has also received extra funding to further refine its technology. Plans are being made to export the technology. Learn more here.;

Middle East Plastics Strategy Seminar

Applied Market Information (AMI) will host "The Middle East Plastics Industry Strategy Seminar" on 19 October 2009 in Cologne, Germany. This event has been offered twice already in 2009. This next session is your final chance in 2009 to take part. With an estimated 15 million tons of additional polymerization capacity coming on line in the Middle East in the next three years, the region stands to become a major plastics processing center. Will geosynthetics be part of this boom in production? How will the Middle East's growth affect global markets? The one-day seminar aims to tackle these subjects. Download the PDF brochure. Learn more here.;

Solmax Increases Flexibility for European Customers

Solmax International announced that all European customers will now benefit from a 7-day grace period free-of-charge for on-site deliveries (DDP). All fees due to merchandise pick up delays will be covered by Solmax for up to 7 days for deliveries transiting via Liverpool, South Hampton, Anvers, le Havre and Hamburg port. Read more about this benefit. Learn more here.;

Geotextile Tube Use Growing

We've seen the number of geotextile tube projects growing, particularly for beach protection and renourishment. Major projects have been announced in India, Nigeria, Grand Isle (Louisiana, USA), etc. Now, in Surfside Beach, Texas, officials hope to host a Texas General Land Office (GLO) demonstration project using submerged, sand-filled geotextile tubes. Learn more here.;

AWW Now in PDF

Arab Water World, which covers water, wastewater treatment, canal lining and other markets in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), now offers its issues in PDF. Visit the magazine's register for free. A PDF link is included below (but free registration may be required). Learn more here.;

June Issue: Pipe and Profile Extrusion

Pipe and Profile Extrusion is a bimonthly digital magazine from Applied Market Information (AMI), a leading provider of market intelligence and events for the global extrusion markets. The magazine is distributed electronically to the producers of plastic pipes, tubes and profiles around the world. Access to the magazine is free-of-charge and readers can download pages as PDFs for printing, storage and sharing. Read the issue online today. Learn more here.;

Call for Presentations: MECA 2010

The Minnesota Erosion Control Association (MECA) is planning its 2010 Annual Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Conference and Trade Show. The event will be held 11-12 March 2010 in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Organizers seek presentations of two types: local projects completed for stormwater management or erosion and sediment control; new innovative products for stormwater management or erosion and sediment control. Abstracts and titles are due by 31 July 2009 to

ACW Now in PDF

Arab Construction World, which covers multiple construction markets in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, now offers its issues in PDF. Visit the magazine's register for free. A PDF link is included below (but free registration may be required). Learn more here.;

EPA Extends and Sets New SPCC Compliance Dates

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has extended the compliance date for all facilities and established a new compliance date for farms subject to the oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) regulations. This final rule is part of EPA's multi-phased strategy to address concerns with the SPCC regulation. Specifically, this SPCC rule amendment extends the dates by which the owner or operator of an SPCC regulated facility or farm must prepare or amend and implement an SPCC plan to 10 November 2010.

ADS Announces New South American Joint Venture

Creating a new company called Tuberias Tigre-ADS Limitada will combine ADS corrugated pipe and Tigre's mining, solid wall pipe to expand sales of both products in South America. The financial arrangements of the new joint venture were not disclosed.