11th Asian Textile Conference

The 11th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-11) invites abstracts through March 31. The biennial event is open to geosynthetics-related submissions. Abstracts of 150 words for oral and poster presentations are encouraged. All abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and the full paper (2-4 pages) must be submitted for all accepted presentations. ATC-11 committee is expecting valuable participation from diverse research fields. The event will be held 1-4 November 2011 in Daegu, Korea. Learn more here.;

13-Year Study of Exposed, Green Geomembrane Cover

By Boyd Ramsey – In the summer of 2001, a 60- mil high-density polyethylene (HDPE) green geomembrane was installed as a cap at the Polk County Florida solid waste...

14th International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Council Formed

At the recent 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics (9th ICG) held in Guarujá Brazil the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Council marked the beginning of a new Council term. At the General Assembly the officers and council members elected to serve for the 2010-2014 term were announced and officially took office.

150 Years of HUESKER

Mr Manfred Balzer, qualified engineer and Managing Director of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH in Gescher, Westphalia, proudly announces: "There are not many companies lucky enough to be able to celebrate their 150th anniversary". Thanks to the innovative orientation and potential of HUESKER's excellent staff, the company has become an international market leader since it was established 150 years ago. Read more in the company's celebratory release.

20 Landfill Failures in Next GSI Live Webinar

On Wednesday, March 9, the Geosynthetic Institute will hold a live webinar on "Behavior and Analysis of 20 Solid Waste Landfill Failures." The session will begin at 11:30 am (EST)...

2008-2009 GSI Fellowship Awardees

The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) has announced the winners of the 2008-2009 GSI Fellowship Awards. Each fellowship carries a $10,000, renewable stipend. A list of the students and topics--and contact information for the next fellowship call--is available here.

2010 IAA Competition

The Industrial Fabrics Association International's (IFAI) annual International Achievement Awards (IAA) competition is accepting submissions through 15 July 2010. Among the many entry categories you'll find "Geosynthetics." This year the competition is holding a drawing to award a free full registration to the 2010 IFAI Expo Americas (27-29 October 2010, Orlando, Florida), where IAA winners will be announced. Geosynthetica encourages you to look into this event and share your projects and experience with the larger technical textiles field. Visit the competition website to learn more about the awards and the benefits of the new electronic submission form. Learn more here.;

2010 IGS Elections Are Open

Members of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) are invited to take part in the election of IGS officers and council members. The elected terms run from 2010-2014. This 12th IGS election is historically significant for the breadth of its field of candidates. In what is a rare occurrence in IGS elections, two candidates are vying to succeed president Fumio Tatsuoka (Japan). Those candidates are Peter Stevenson and Jorge Zornberg. Also, 23-well-qualified candidates are seeking the eight general elected council positions. This is certainly the largest field to ever seek election, and it's a strong sign that the IGS's 30 chapters, 121 corporate members, and 2000+ individual members are active and interested. Read about the election and statements from both presidential candidates.

2011 GEOSYNTHETICS Middle East Conference to kick off on 25 October

Under the Patronage of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City, the 2011 GEOSYNTHETICS Middle East Conference is taking place on 25th and 26th October at Park Rotana Hotel with the collaboration of AHK the German Chamber of Commerce. With a focus on the regions infrastructure projects and environmental applications, the Geosynthetics Middle East 2011 will once again contribute to the quality of the construction projects throughout the region, increasing their value and considerably extending their service life.

2011 Market Watch Geosynthetics Snapshot

This snapshot is a comprehensive summary of the U.S./Canadian geosynthetic market. It focuses mostly on the U.S. geosynthetic marketplace, particularly as it relates to market size, market growth, predominate materials/polymers as well as applications used in the U.S. geosynthetic market, trends, opportunities, threats, and market outlook. Available in PDF. $149 ($79 for IFAI members). Learn more here.;

2011 Report on the $1 Billion US Aquaculture Industry

Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Aquaculture" report to their offering. The US aquaculture industry includes about 6,400 farms with combined annual revenue of more than $1 billion. No major companies dominate the industry, which is fragmented. Read more.

2011 Year-End Review: North American Geosynthetics Society

In his year-end review letter, North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) Executive Director David Suits writes, "The year 2011 has been a very good year for the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS)….We are maintaining a healthy membership. This year we had 32 new or revived memberships. Under the guidance of the past Board, the early part of the year was devoted to working with IFAI, and the Geo-Institute organizing the Geo-Frontiers 2011 Conference. We had close to 2000 attendees and 150 exhibitors. As a result NAGS received one of the best, if not the best financial return that we have experienced for any of the conferences in which we have participated." Read more, and don't forget to renew your membership (or join).

2012–2013 IAGI Board of Directors and Officers Elected

Members of the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI) recently voted to fill four seats on IAGI's Board of Directors. Candidates were nominated by the industry and those elected will serve on the IAGI Board of Directors during 2012–2013. The IAGI members elected include: John Heap, Colorado Lining International, USA; Max Brady, DDT Liners, Australia; Bill Shehane, Seaman Corporation, USA; and Nicky Araujo, Servicios de Ingenieria Geosintetica, S.A., Costa Rica. Each director will serve for two years. New officers for the IAGI Board of Directors were elected at a recent Board of Directors meeting. Todd Harman was elected to serve as IAGI's President. David McLaury was elected First Vice President and Nicky Araujo was elected Second Vice President. Finally, Chris Eichelberger was elected Treasurer. Brian McKeown will serve the Board as Immediate Past President. All officers will serve two year terms.

2017 IAGI Installation Awards Winners

During Geotechnical Frontiers 2017, the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers announced the winners of its 2017 IAGI Installation Awards. The not-for-profit geotechnical organization is dedicated to bettering geosynthetic installation and construction...

22-Year-Old PCB Pile Under Geomembrane in Ontario

A 22,000-ton, 22-year-old pile of PCB-contaminated soil sits in west Toronto beneath a triple-layered geosynthetic cap. It is one of 23 similar sites across Ontario. The Star has published a piece about the PCB issue in Ontario and included an image of Toronto's large pile as seen from Google Earth. Learn more here.;

2nd Annual Solid Waste Management Forum, Amsterdam, May 2012

The 2nd Annual Solid Waste Management Forum will be held 22-24 May 2012 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the perfect center for this gathering, as Green City Index has named it "the most successful city in Europe at municipal waste management" according to the Index's top 10 cities. Speakers from those top 10 cities will be central to the Forum, with keynotes from participants based in Amsterdam (No.1), Helsinki (No. 3), Copenhagen (No. 7) and Stockholm (No. 8).

2nd Milton Vargas Award Honours the Best of Geotechnical and Foundations Areas

Last October, professionals and partners of the HUESKER Group received the Milton Vargas Award. This award is an initiative of the Brazilian Magazine Fundações and Obras Geotécnicas that aims to recognize the work of professionals responsible for planning, design and implementation of large construction projects and whose works have already been mentioned prominently in the pages of the magazine. The awarding took place in São Paulo in the presence of hundreds of professional engineers representing the Brazilian geotechnical consultants and companies including the honourees, their friends and families.

3 IECA Opportunities, 3 Deadlines

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA Region One) rarely enjoys a quiet moment. The organization is very active in education, event management, and general promotion of expert and issues...

30 Countries Meet in India to Advance Clean Energy

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Government of India, and India's Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry are hosting the 2nd Methane to Markets Partnership Expo in New Delhi from 2-5 March 2010. The event has attracted attendees from 30 countries and showcases more than 150 opportunities for capturing and using methane, a greenhouse gas more than 20 times as potent as carbon dioxide, as a valuable clean energy resource.

30 Years Later: First Geosynthetics Book

When Robert Koerner and Joe Welsh put together the first hard-bound book on geosynthetics (Construction and Geotechnical Engineering Using Synthetic Fabrics, 1980), neither could truly known the impact this materials sector would have on all of civil, geotechnical and environmental engineering. After witnessing (and contributing to) 30 years of dynamic practice, fascinating designs and product innovation in the geosynthetics field, Dr. Robert Koerner looks back at that first book, which he and Joe began compiling after a chance encounter with a publisher in the late 1970s.

39 Embassies Attend World Bioenergy 2014 Interest Meeting

Representatives from 39 embassies and trade offices from around the world gathered at the beginning of December for the traditional get-together held by Elmia and the Swedish Bioenergy Association...

40 Years, $500 Million

An abandoned mining in Canada's Yukon will take 40 years and $500 million to properly close, the government estimates. The Faro mine project will undergo a 15-year-construction phase that is expected to cost $30 million per year, and an additional $10 million is thought to be needed for the last 25 years of closure operations. Learn more here.;

4th China Solid Waste Symposium

05/30/2013 - 05/31/2013 China Solid Waste Summit is where local waste management operators and multinational ones with a presence in the world's second largest economy come to discuss...

4th Waste-to-Resources Symposium

Increasing costs for raw materials and energy and demand for sustainable climate protective waste treatment and recycling techniques have placed technologies like bio-methanation and material recovery facilities (MRF) in the spotlight. The biennial Waste-to-Resources Symposium (24-26 May 2011, Hanover, Germany) combines a conference, commercial exhibition and site visits to address this growing energy and waste management sector. The 2009 edition included participants from 41 countries. Abstracts for 2011's presentations will be accepted through 4 December 2010. The event will feature simultaneous translation (English-French-Spanish-German) and is being held under the patronage of Dr. Norbert Roettgen, Germany's Minister of the Environment. Learn more here.;

5 Fabulous Reasons to Register for the Global Waste Management Symposium

The Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) is not just another waste and recycling event – it's the ONLY event that truly celebrates technology and scientific innovation within our industry on a global scale. Here are 5 pretty fabulous reasons to attend GWMS 2012 (and register now at the Early Bird rate). Read more.