Wick Drains

It is seldom that one finds wick drains mentioned in the popular media, but the Southeast Missourian has "unearthed" them for its readers. The $180 million widening project of US Highway 67 has involved significant soil consolidation in parts of Missouri. One zone has used 1,200 wick drains to dry out a zone enough to safely construct an elevated road. The area had experienced flooding over the road as recently as 2002. Learn more here.;

5th International Algae Conference

The interest in the biomass potential of algae continues to swell. The European Society of Microalgal Biotechnology (ESMB), the German DLG e.V. (German Agricultural Society) and DLG BENELUX from the Netherlands have agreed to organize the 5th International Algae Conference, to be held 1-2 December 2011 in Berlin, Germany. The event will primarily focus on biomass potential and the various industries that can benefit from it. Learn more here.;

VIDEO: A Manufacturing Approach to Geomembrane Wrinkles Management

Earlier this year, Solmax took on a very hot topic with a free webinar: managing geomembrane wrinkles. This session followed the discussion created by a Geosynthetic Institute webinar in which Dr....

BP and U.S. Coast Guard to Test TIE Technologies OilDam Solution

TIE Technologies, Inc. has announced that its OilDam® solution has been scheduled for testing by the BP and U.S. Coast Guard Field Technical Operations Group for 28 June 2010. The team of companies involved includes Geocomp Corporation, James Lee Witt Associates, Gunderboom Inc., and Tencate Geosynthetics. Learn more.

After the Flood: the View from Taiwan

In early August 2009, Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan. The storm was the deadliest typhoon ever to strike Taiwan. More than 450 people were killed, and initial estimates of the property, structure and infrastructure damage has been estimated at USD $3.3 billion. But one of the lessons learned in this typhoon is that geosynthetic reinforced structures can preserve infrastructure even against such a catastrophic event.

CLI Earns International Achievement Award

Colorado Lining International, Inc. has been honored with a 2017 International Achievement Award (IAA). The winning project (“Tucson Water Clearwell Rehabilitation and Replacement”) was recognized for design excellence in...

Video: Soil-Covered Geomembrane Surveys

TRI Environmental Senior Engineer Abigail Gilson is one of the world’s foremost practitioners in electrical leak location (ELL) technologies. As part of the on-going ELL webinar series supported by...

TenCate, ACE and Agru Recognized by the 2011 International Achievement Awards

The 2011 International Achievement Awards from the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) have been announced. Thirty-three categories are included in the annual IAA competition. The winners are usually announced during the IFAI Expo Americas event (which is currently wrapping up in Baltimore). In the Geosynthetic Projects categories, TenCate Geosynthetics, Ace Geosynthetics and Agru America were recognized. Read more.

Waste Regulation Changes, Liner System Design and More in GIGSA's Latest

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) South African Chapter, the Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA), has published its latest newsletter. This issue features a lead article from Jonathan Shamrock (Jones & Wagener) on the significant changes coming to the country's waste management facility design regulations. Geosynthetics will play a key role in new designs, but with increased use comes the potentially increased risk of interface failure planes and heightened communication needs in the project cycle. Also of note in the issue: Peter Davies provides a barrier systems information archive recommendation, shale gas extraction is addressed, the winner of the IGS/GIGSA student award is announced, Edoardo Zannoni takes a stab at specifications, and Belinda Mills & Brendon Jewaskiewitz (Envitech Solutions (Pty) Ltd) write on "Geosynthetic Lining System Design versus Practical Installation: Lessons Learned." Read these articles and more in GIGSA's newsletter (PDF).
Waterways to Reefs Initiative

Waterways to Reefs Initiative Turns Liabilities into Assets

After spending a number of years working in Australia’s geosynthetic engineering field, American Joseph Little returned to the States and founded the environmental consulting firm, Little Environments LLC in...

Raven Industries Installs State-of-the-Art Polymer Reclamation Line

Raven Industries Engineered Films Division has announced the installation of a new reclaim production line designed to capture and recycle excess polymer material from internal manufacturing processes. The new reclaim line is truly a state-of-the-art system, capable of producing up to 15 million pounds of reprocessed resin pellets annually. This unique design contains a specific line filtering system for the removal of foreign materials from the melt stream; allowing complete quality control of all materials produced. The integrated computer control interface monitors every aspect of the process from the introduction of material to the finished resin pellets produced. Read the release.

Agru America Opens Large Diameter Pipe Facility in Charleston

One of the most eye-catching items in the exhibit hall at Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 (March, Orlando) was a large diameter pipe section. The product was stationed at...
Image of the river along downtown Austin, Texas, site of GeoU 2023

GeoU 2023 Highlights Sustainability and New Courses

The biennial, 2.5-day GeoU in Austin, Texas focuses on geosynthetics in civil infrastructure. The event co-locates short courses on landfill design, landfill CQA, and civil infrastructure (roadway design, walls...

IFAI members assist in oil spill cleanup

More than 60 members of the Industrial Fabrics Association International are preparing products for clean-up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico following the April 20 explosion of the BP-owned Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The oil gusher at the source of the spill, located 5,000 feet below the ocean surface and about 40 miles southeast of the Louisiana coast, is emitting an estimated minimum of 210,000 gallons of oil per day with a possible maximum of more than 10 times that amount. Learn more here.;

WaterWorld Weekly Video Reports

WaterWorld Magazine offers a weekly video news cast hosted by its online editor, Angela Godwin. It's called WaterWorld TV. This week's headlines include the steady, annual erosion of Alaska's shoreline; NASA technology aids in river volume flow predictions; and a study shows that nutrient enrichment with waterways may actually disrupt the food chain. Watch it online today. Learn more here.;

Abandoned Underground Mines 8th Biennial Workshop

The Interstate Technical Group on Abandoned Underground Mines (ITGAUM) is issuing a call for papers to be presented at its 8th Biennial Workshop. The workshop is scheduled for 21-24 September 2010 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Abstracts are due by 7 May 2010. Learn more.

Geosynthetics International Gives Free Access to Best Papers

Annual, editor-selected “Best Of” papers from Geosynthetics International are available for free access online. Thomas Telford Ltd’s division ICE Publishing—part of the UK-based Institution of Civil Engineers—has published...

£11M to combat coastal flooding

Schemes proposed by 15 councils in the United Kingdom to combat flooding and coastal erosion are being backed by £11 million of Government grants. Projects range from creating new sand dunes to buying land to rebuild properties at risk. Erosion affects 30% of the coastline while other areas are at risk of flooding. Learn more here.;

Final Call: Geo-Frontiers 2011 Abstracts on Concrete Protection Liners

At the Geo-Frontiers 2011 conference, there will be a technical session on Concrete Protection Liners co-chaired by Ian D. Peggs (icorp@geosynthetic.com) and Peter Dimaio (peterd@aks.co.za). All those working on tunnels, wastewater treatment basins, process chemical containment, or any other aspect of concrete protection using geomembranes or thicker polymeric sheet products, are invited to submit abstracts through 8 March 2010. Learn more.

Comanco Blog

Installation expert Comanco has launched a corporate blog at which numerous project images and updates are regularly posted. Learn more here.;

A Primer on Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) in Wastewater Treatment Plant Design

This is the third in a series of primers on geosynthetic barrier systems, relevant applications, affiliated issues from the field, and more. In this installment, Ian Peggs offers criteria for effective use of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) design. These designs have had some problems, but almost entirely due to inappropriate soils being used for subgrade and ballast. It has NOT been because of GCL inadequancy. How to design in a drainage layer without damaging the GCL? Read more.

Call for Papers: GBR-C 2K10

SKZ, with scientific committee support from Cemagref and the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), announces the 3rd International Symposium on Geosynthetic Clay Liners, to be held at the Fortress Marienberg in Würzburg, Germany 15-16 September 2010. Abstract and papers for oral or poster presentations are invited on the following topics: Application / case studies (Landfills, Canals, Reservoirs / Dams, Transportation Infrastructure) • Durability / Lifetime • Laboratory testing • Performance (Cation exchange, Desiccation, Experience from excavation • Regulations / Approvals. Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail to: gbr-c2k10@skz.de no later than 30 September 2009. View the flyer in PDF.

GRI-22 Final Program

On 27 February 2009, the Geosynthetic Institute will deliver the 22nd installment of its GRI conference series. GRI-22 has been formed under the title "It's All in the Details." These shorter, discussion-prompting presentations will group under the headings of materials and testing, field installation, field performance, and new devices, concepts and presentations. Though a one-day event, GRI-22 is going to be as full as one would hope. Seventeen presentations will be given, as will time for discussion. It's a can't miss event in the geosynthetics field. We encourage everyone to attend--GRI-22 is co-located with Geosynthetics 2009 (Salt Lake City, 25-27 February 2009). Here is the final program for the event, courtesy of Drs. Robert and George Koerner of the Geosynthetic Institute.

Mexico's Mining Boom

Bloomberg.com reports that mining companies invested roughly $2.2 billion in Mexico during 2007. Mexico's Economy Minister, Eduardo Sojo, estimates that $20 billion will be spent over President Felipe Calderon's six-year term. The massive investment in silver, gold and other mineral mining endeavors will also require substantial investment in environmental protections. Learn more here.;

D35 Updating GCL Standard Guide

ASTM International's Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced work item WK31090, "Standard Guide for Installation of Geosynthetic Clay Liners." It is a work item revision to existing standard D6102-06. Any approved changes to the standard are expected to be minor. Learn more here.;