WEBINAR: Gabions and Reno Mattresses in Hydraulic Applications

On November 15 at 1:00 pm EDT, Maccaferri will host a webinar on "Gabions and Reno Mattresses in Hydraulic Applications." Topics for this engineers, planners, developers and contractors-oriented session include channel bank protection; drop structures; culvert inlet and outlet protection; and bridge abutment scour protection. Attendees will receive a non-credit 0.15 CEU certificate following the webinar and a link to download handouts, technical data sheets, product specifications, product installation guides, a gabion installation video, case studies, and design software. Learn more here.;

Turf Reinforcement Mats Are Subject of Proposed ASTM Geosynthetics Standard

High-strength turf reinforcement mats made from vegetative or synthetic materials (or a combination of both) are used to prevent soil erosion in drainage areas and on steep slopes. A proposed new ASTM International standard, ASTM WK38408, Specification for Turf Reinforcement Mats, will be focused on mats made only with geosynthetics (no organic materials). ASTM WK38408 is being developed by Subcommittee D35.05 on Geosynthetic Erosion Control, part of ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics.

Dike breaches predictable thanks to sensor systems

The Ijkdijk large-scale research program in the Netherlands is currently investigating the role sensor technologies can play in predicting earthen dike failures. In August and September this year, failures were precipitated, and the experiments showed that embedded sensors, such as in enhanced geotextiles like TenCate GeoDetect®, yield data that can predict failure well in advance.

Italian Symposium in New Delhi for Filtration and Geotextiles Sector

Italian geosynthetics manufacturing expertise is headed to India, one of the world's biggest infrastructure markets and a nation in which geosynthetics are getting a strong push from international and domestic companies, new engineering journals, and professional development events. On October 18, the India-based Business Co-ordination House (BCH) and the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers (ACIMIT) will hold a one-day symposium on "Woven Technologies for Technical Textiles – Special Focus on Fabrics for Filtration & Geotextiles." The event will take place at the Park Hotel (Parliament Street) in New Delhi. Learn more

Maccaferri, Inc. Launches New Website

Maccaferri, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of their new website: www.maccaferri-usa.com. The new website offers a more contemporary look and feel, and provides users with a comprehensive overview of the solutions and products that Maccaferri offers to the civil and environmental engineering fields. Users will find the functionality and navigation to be more streamlined. New site features include: an interactive map to view case studies by location, access to LinkedIn and YouTube, and a searchable documents section for viewing and downloading brochures, design software, and a variety of other technical documents and drawings.

In-Line Plastics' Capabilities

In-Line Plastics is proud to provide extensive expertise in the geomembrane sector, with manufacturing and large-panel fabrication services housed within a single company. Furthermore, we are located in Houston, Texas--the heart of the polyethylene manufacturing industry and directly accessible to the Port of Houston. Learn more about our capabilities and experience via our website or contact us directly. Learn more here.;

HUESKER consolidates its application areas and implements a new organisational structure

As we approach the opening of EuroGeo 5--the Fifth European Regional Conference on Geosynthetics--Germany-based HUESKER Group has announced a new organizational structure. Implemented in July in conjunction with the company's celebration of its 150th anniversary, the new strategy combines the continuance of its well-established customer support services and product lines with a drive towards innovation and high-quality, customized solutions.

EuroGeo 5 Opens with International Symposium on Water Reservoirs

On the first full day of technical sessions at EuroGeo 5, Daniele Cazzuffi (CESI SpA, Italy), José María González (TRAGSATEC; ATEBA, Spain), and Ian Peggs (I-CORP INTERNATIONAL, Inc., USA) will chair a major session on Hydraulic Structures. This is also the IV International Symposium on Water Reservoirs.

YouTube: Maccaferri Mining Video

Maccaferri has posted a new video with a series of images and application information from installations around the world. From geogrid used for debris control in a Swedish mining tunnel to rockfall netting/mesh in Australia; and from 20m+ high crusher walls in Africa to leachate containment in Peru--the video presents a strong range of applications and geosynthetic and affiliated-technology solutions. It's a nice overview. Learn more here.;

Erosion Control: Fixing the Flow

In the latest issue of Erosion Control magazine, regular contributor Carol Brzozowski writes on flood control, streambank restoration, and creating public space. Among the experts she interviews is Fiberweb's Brian Whitaker, who shares thoughts on important design considerations.

The View from Kingscliff

It's been said that a "picture tells a 1000 words." This image from Kingscliff (NSW, Australia) says quite a bit more about the impact of geosynthetics. Geofabrics Australasia was part of this installation of geobags from earlier this year to correct severe beachfront erosion outside a surf life saving club. Note the traditional chunky riprap and its warning sign. And note the beach-goers resting comfortably against the newer, softer (yet stronger) beach protection measure.

Issue 2: IGS India Journal

The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) Indian Chapter (IGS India) has announced the publication of Volume 1, Issue 2 of the Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement. This issue includes articles on "Comparative Study on the Performance of Piled Embankments with and without the Geosynthetic Reinforcement," "Evaluation of the Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls Using a Geocentrifuge," and "A Case Study on the Use of Coir Geotextiles for Stabilizing a Steep Slope." Additionally, updates on forthcoming events and opportunities are included. The journal is distributed for free to IGS members, who also enjoy full access electronically to other international journals on geosynthetics. Join today. Learn more here.;

Extra Coal Ash Design Webinar, September 14

The strong registration for the August webinar on "Design Considerations for Coal Combustion Residual Landfills" has prompted a second session to be arranged. On September 14 at 10:00 am CDT, Chris Athanassopoulos, P.E. (CETCO) and John Seymour, P.E. (Geosyntec) will present an encore presentation of their one-hour webinar on the current state of practice related to geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) chemical compatibility and present research on new GCLs with improved chemical resistance to coal combustion residuals (CCRS). Design considerations for vertical/lateral expansions over CCR ponds and landfills will also be covered. Registration is free. Topics: CLs for CCR Containment; Advances in Design of Landfills over CCR Ponds and Landfills Learn more here.;

TenCate Geosynthetics Americas receives patent for GEOPORT

Within the geotextile tube industry, producing a strong and secure textile injection port system has always proved challenging. Both the sewn attachment and the final closing method of these ports have never been as durable as the textile tube itself. TenCate Geosynthetics Americas has developed a rigid, mechanical injection port system (known as Geoport) which virtually eliminates unwanted stress at this location.

August 2012 Geofabrics Journal

Geofabrics Australasia has announced the publication of the August 2012 issue of Geofabrics Journal. This issue includes a note about the differences between index and performance tests, the advantages of powdered bentonite versus granular, news of new premises in Adelaide, and a Tasmanian riverbank erosion control project that has utilized sand-filled geocontainers extensively (and to great success). Read the issue here.

New Image Brochure for Huesker

Huesker has released a new image brochure. Get a copy here (PDF).

New Address for ExcelPlas

Australia-based testing services company ExcelPlas has moved to a new, larger facility. The new address is: ExcelPlas Testing Services (NATA Accredited Laboratory), 473 Warrigal Road (Rear Factory), Moorabbin VIC 3189, Australia; Tel: +61 (03) 9532-2207. Primary contacts are Rod Parry (Laboratory Manager), rod@excelplas.com; John Scheirs (Principal Consultant), john@excelplas.com; and Matthew Matin (Tech Service Manager), matt@excelplas.com. Learn more here.;

August 30 Webinar: Design Considerations for Coal Combustion Residual Landfills

On August 30, Chris Athanassopoulos, P.E. (CETCO) and John Seymour, P.E. (Geosyntec) will present a one-hour webinar on the current state of practice related to geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) chemical compatibility and present research on new GCLs with improved chemical resistance to coal combustion residuals (CCRS). Design considerations for vertical/lateral expansions over CCR ponds and landfills will also be covered. Registration is free.

Concrete Canvas открыли в России первый демонстрационный парк

8 июля 2017 года, в конференц-зале отеля Savoy состоялся брифинг компании, посвященный официальному открытию первого в России демо-парка бетонного полотна. В брифинге приняли участие руководители компании изобретатели бетонного полотна и...

Строительство нового выхода на МКАД с а/д М1 – Усиление слабого основания

На сегодняшний день автомобильные пробки являются одной из главных проблем Москвы и Подмосковья. По данным ГИБДД в 2013 году количество зарегистрированных автомобилей в Москве - около 5 миллионов, при этом ежегодный...

ОБЗОР КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ: Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве

Завершила работу II международная конференция «Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве», которая прошла в Москве 19 мая 2017 года. Партнер сессии  «Способы оценки качества геосинтетических материалов при дорожном строительстве. Российский и зарубежный...

СИБУР: о контроле качества геосинтетических материалов

Алексей Володиков, эксперт, направление «ТЭП и геосинтетика», СИБУР,  расскажет о контроле качества геосинтетических материалов на  II международной конференции «Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве». Мероприятие состоится  19 мая 2017  в Москве, Intercontinental...

HUESKER открывает завод по производству геосинтетических материалов в г. Клин (Россия)

29 марта 2017 года состоялось официальное открытие первого завода HUESKER в г.Клин., Россия. Dr.Grandin F.- Hans (Управляющий Директор HUESKER Group), Г-н Хмельницкий С.Г (Генеральный Директор ООО «ХЮСКЕР») и Г-жа Сокольская...

Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве

Приглашаем вас принять участие во II международной конференции: Геосинтетика в дорожном строительстве. Место проведения: Intercontinental Hotel Moscow, (Тверская  22) Дата проведения: 19 мая 2017 г. Конференция проводится при поддержке компании: “BOHNENKAMP AG”, "Maccaferri", "TRACE GROUP",...

Options Grow for EVOH Geomembranes

Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH) has been a promising addition to geomembrane manufacturing options. A thin EVOH layer has the capability to reduce dramatically the permeability of membranes to...