Abu Dhabi's NMDC Wins $408 Million Canal Contract

Abu Dhabi's National Marine Dredging Co or NMDC, said Monday it won a 1.5 billion U.A.E. dirham ($408.7 million) contract to build a 63.5-kilometer canal in the U.A.E.'s largest emirate. The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council, or UPC, awarded NMDC the contract to construct Mussafah canal, which will play an important role in the development of Mussafah Industrial City. Learn more here.;

After the Flood: the View from Taiwan

In early August 2009, Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan. The storm was the deadliest typhoon ever to strike Taiwan. More than 450 people were killed, and initial estimates of the property, structure and infrastructure damage has been estimated at USD $3.3 billion. But one of the lessons learned in this typhoon is that geosynthetic reinforced structures can preserve infrastructure even against such a catastrophic event.

Public comment next step in Irondale cleanup process

The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) is asking for public feedback on a newly released draft engineering design report for the Irondale Iron and Steel site cleanup in Jefferson County. The draft engineering design report calls for removal of contaminated soils and sediment; installation of a geotextile and soil cap; slag removal; and beach restoration. Read more.

Improving Google Ranking

Can search-engine-optimized video increase your ranking in Google searches (to Page 1 rank status) by up to 53 times? Some consultants believe so. Learn more here.;

Jim Cantore, Craig Zeller to Deliver Environmental Connection 2017 Keynotes

 The International Erosion Control Association Region One (IECA) has officially announced its keynote speakers for Environmental Connection 2017.  Renowned meteorologist Jim Cantore of the Weather Channel will deliver opening...

Leaking Reservoir in Nunavut

The hamlet of Arviat is scrambling to find ways to conserve water and find new sources of drinking water. The local reservoir's liner is leaking. To lessen the demand for trucked water, hamlet officials have decided going back to an old-fashioned method of supplying drinking water: cutting ice. The breach in the synthetic liner may be due to repairs from the previous summer. (Was a liner integrity test performed?) New work will be needed this year when the weather warms up. Learn more here.;

Five Questions to Ask a Geotextile Supplier

When considering a nonwoven geotextile fabric for your next project there are a number of elements as a customer you should be considering before you buy. The following will...

Going to IECA? Register to Win a $50 Gift Card and Get the Dirt...

During Environmental Connection 2013 in San Diego (February 10–13), stop by Booth #535 in the exhibit hall and visit with the Minerva team—publishers of Geosynthetica.net and Geosindex.com. Sign up for Geosynthetica's bi-weekly e-newsletter in the exhibit hall and be registered for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 Visa Gift Cards that will be given away during the conference.
Tencate Geosynthetics and wind energy

Geosynthetics for Earth Day 2016

Geosynthetics are helping substantially reduce the carbon footprint of construction, securing the environment, and extending the economical and environmental performance of infrastructures. As Earth Day 2016 is marked around...

4th China Solid Waste Symposium

05/30/2013 - 05/31/2013 China Solid Waste Summit is where local waste management operators and multinational ones with a presence in the world's second largest economy come to discuss...

CRETE 2012 Call for Abstracts

CRETE 2012 marks the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management. To be held 12-14 September 2012 at Chania (Crete, Greece), the event promises exploration of topics such as energy from waste, case studies, management of contanimated sites, environmental management, special waste containment, and many other subjects. International Waste Working Group (IWWG) members are eligible for a discounted registration. Abstracts are due 31 January 2012.

Buyer's Guide, Directory and More

geosynthetica's new site organization still includes our most popular items of use, such as the Buyer's Guide, Industry Directory, Publications/Tech Docs and Abstracts Database, and much more. Use the links along the top row of the banner at the top of the page for easy access to these zones. And don't forget to try out our new channel pages for geosynthetics functions (row two of the link buttons along the page's top banner) and applications (row three). For information on how to get listed in any of these databases, directories and guides, please contact Chris Kelsey.

Yakima Finally Concluding

A two-decade-old cleanup project in Yakima, Washington is about to conclude. The former asphalt and concrete production area underwent significant soil removal and petroleum contamination remediation. A liner was installed and a relfection pond created. Now, a short pathway may be added to complete the site's recreational transformation. Learn more here.;

EPA Announces Public Meetings on Chesapeake Bay 'Pollution Diet'

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is scheduled to hold 18 public meetings this fall to discuss the draft Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)--a strict "pollution diet" to restore local waters and the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay TMDL will set binding limits on nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution throughout the 64,000-square-mile watershed to meet clean water standards for the Bay and its tidal tributaries and help restore local rivers and streams. Read more.

Then and Now: an 11-Year-Old Delaware DOT Installation

In 1999, ACF Environmental was involved in a project that saw the installation of Propex's Pyramat turf reinforcement mat (TRM) in lieu of traditional riprap for roadside work. Now, through its e-newsletter, ACF Environmental begins a series of articles and photographic essays to look back on the work as it happened and as it stands now. The photographs from Delaware provide excellent proof of the power of the right erosion control and geosynthetic mix to secure vegetation and promote long-term, successful growth. Learn more here.;

QDOR in Public Works Manual

The 2011 Public Works Manual from PW Magazine includes an article from Laurie Honnigford, executive director of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC). Writing for the manual's web edition, Honnigford outlines the Quality Data Oversight and Review (QDOR) program from ECTC--a program which takes a scientific view towards providing confidence in erosion control material selection. Read "Seal of Approval" online. Learn more here.;

NY regulators release gas drilling rules

New York State officials have completed new environmental regulations for natural gas drilling that will clear the way for well permits in New York's part of the Marcellus Shale region which covers parts of four states. One of the main changes is that handling and disposal of wastewater that comes back up from wells after fracturing must be stored in steel tanks on the site or piped to a central storage pit using a double-liner system similar to those required at landfills. Learn more here.;

PCB Landfill Near Greenville Almost Ready

A 10-acre landfill near Greenville, South Carolina is part of a long-awaited remedy to clean PCBs from Lake Hartwell. Dredging of 450,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment will begin soon. The lining system installation is being completed right now as is site erosion control work. With its hilltop location, the tight timeline, and the unusually difficult weather, one project engineer has noted that it may become well-covered in publications as an exemplary PCB management project. Learn more here.;

Dike breach sends manure into Snohomish River

A dairy waste lagoon dike has failed, sending possibly millions of gallons of untreated manure into the Snohomish River and creating a big environmental and health hazard. The lagoon, which holds up to 21 million gallons, is at the 750-head Bartelheimer Brothers dairy in Snohomish, Washington. A 30-ft-wide breach has opened on one side of the dike, which has 15-ft-high walls. Only 5 feet of the lagoon is below ground. Learn more here.;
ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark

ACE Geosynthetics Adds Construction Videos to its EcoPark Website

The official website of the ACE Geosynthetics EcoPark has been online since October 2014. Users can explore the park virtually and learn about geosynthetics. Applications profiled on the website...
Geosynthetic Interest Group of South Africa

Geosynthetics in South Africa: April 2013 GIGSA News

The Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA), which is a chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), has published its April 2013 GIGSA Newsletter. This edition continues the...

Geosynthetics Conference in Honduras May Be Catalyst for Region

From 16 – 18 June 2014, the Honduran Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) will hold that country’s First National Conference on Geosynthetics (Honduras 2014). This is a...

Raven’s New 7-Layer Extrusion Line Enhances VOC Barriers

Raven Industries boasts a strong track record of manufacturing innovations and especially in regard to multi-layer barrier materials for geotechnical applications. The company has announced another advance in 7-layer extrusion....

Solmax's Specialized Geomembranes

Solmax offers specialized geomembranes made from a PVC compound containing plasticizers based of ethylene and elvaloy (EIA). The geomembranes are reinforced with a polyester screen for enhanced mechanical properties. This specialization enables them to be used for long exposure to high temperatures, hydrocarbons and UV rays. Read more about them. Learn more here.;

NAUE in the News

NAUE's geosynthetic business has truly become global. A brief news piece from Germany looks at the company's work from Espelkamp and Lübbecke, its reinforcement and barrier technologies, and key personnel. (In German.) Learn more here.;